Shoot, Follow the Money

Later this month, John McCain is going to be speaking in Seattle at an event cohosted by the Discovery Institute, an organization that has been behind a bunch of the Intelligent Design stuff. And so, predictably, a lot of advocates of Approved Thought have expressed their disapproval of this most recent outbreak of Disapproved Thought, …

Just One More Elective Surgery

[Speaking of a radical Islamic political advances in the West] “Designating female genital mutilation (FGM) as an operation that Western doctors may legally perform on Muslim women will probably be first. Some doctors will welcome the extra income for such an easy surgery, just as some of them bank extra income for performing unnecessary abortions …

Deep Structure

“The Christian affirmation is, however, that the Trinitarian structure which can be shown to exist in the mind of man and in all his works is, in fact, the integral structure of the universe, and corresponds, not by pictorial imagery but by a necessary uniformity of substance, which the nature of God, in Whom all …

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sharia?

“A faction of Islamic leaders in Great Britain waited until about 1 million Muslims had immigrated to or otherwise managed to infiltrate the country. Then they boldly announced the establishment of an Islamic parliament. Britons urged Muslims to call it an association, a foundation, a society—anything but a parliament. But Muslim leaders remain adamant. Their …

Now You’re Talking

“I wish we did not have to fritter away on frivolous things, like lectures and literature, the time we might have given to serious, solid and constructive work like cutting out cardboard figures and pasting coloured tinsel upon them” (G.K. Chesterton as quoted in Thomas Peters, The Christian Imagination, p. 10).