Obama has said that the abortion question is “above his pay grade.” What is actually the case is that simple honesty on the issue is above his pay grade. I recommend this article to you, along with Al Mohler’s interaction with the author, Robert George. HT: Justin Taylor
And speaking of being out of your pay grade, let us talk for a moment about those evangelicals who are supporting Barack “No Unwanted Child Left Alive” Obama. Many of these folks are intelligent enough, and so their problem is not a lack of intellectual horsepower. Neither is it a deficiency of “niceness” — for many of them that is their preeminent characteristic, and — let us be honest here — a central part of their problem. Sentimentalists are always found in the ranks of those who support various outrages. You can count on them, poor saps who move the corruptions of history along.
Evangelicals who support Obama have been struck with a judicial blindness. This is not a thing that they are doing that will result in God’s displeasure later on. It is a sign of God’s displeasure being visited upon them already.