“I like that merges into I’m like that. Identity prevails” (Virginia Postrel, The Substance of Style, p. 101).
Always Smite the Commies
I have mentioned before the fact that I am pleased to have participated in the Cold War, first as a child doing the public school nuke drills at Germantown Elementary in Annapolis, and then later as a sailor looking at Russia through a periscope. But personal experience aside, the hot wars of the first part …
Bit By Bit
“Not all personalized expression looks good to other people, of course. Especially in the early days of desktop publishing, a lot of amateurs went in for the multifont ransom-note look. PowerPoint presentations are still often hard to read or cluttered with clichéd clip art, and the Web is full of ugly sites. But, on the …
Like Butterscotch Pudding
One of the things I learned from Rushdoony (is that okay to admit?) is the concept of tolerance as false truce. All law is imposed morality, and the only question is which morality is going to be imposed, not whether one is going to be imposed. Periods of “tolerance” are times when this appears not …
About Time
“Although clever allusions still have their place, the breakdown of modernist ideology means that it’s no longer necessary to hide aesthetic pleasure behind postmodern irony and camp” (Virginia Postrel, The Substance of Style, p. 13).
Rescuing Art from the Artists
“Aesthetics has become too important to be left to the aesthetes. To succeed, hard-nosed engineers, real estate developers, and MBAs must take aesthetic communication, and aesthetic pleasure, seriously” (Virginia Postrel, The Substance of Style, pp. 4-5).
Speaking of Hatchet Jobs
A correspondent informs me that somewhere out there on the web, one of our local critics is chastising us for a bunch of stuff. All to be expected, and part of the cost of doing business. This is not worthy of comment, but one point Nick Gier made in this criticism was too good to …
Both Pockets Full of Cash
So here’s some quick punditry standing on horseback at a full gallop. Watch me go. The results out of Iowa are interesting. Living in a democracy is interesting. Living in a rowdy democracy is interesting. First, take both parties together. The results appear to be largely connected to that intangible thing called likeability. Huckabee comes …
Serious Play
“Once established, this resilience is not just good for meeting threats. It extends to everyday habits. Play nurtures a supple mind, a willingness to think in new categories, and an ability to make unexpected associations” (Virginia Postrel, The Future and Its Enemies, p. 188).
Random Political Musing II
In the thread on my random political musing of a few days ago, someone asked who I was supporting in the race for president. It would be easier to say in the first place which candidates I couldn’t support, and then, second, what scenario could reasonably be expected to make me happy. In the interests …