Just rolled back into Moscow yesterday, and am still getting situated. I believe the Idaho primary (Republican side only) is today, so I am going to toodle on down to cast my vote for Ron Paul. Why? say you. It’s all over, isn’t it? Well, anything that we can do to remind John McCain that …
Prince Caspian
Nancy and I went to see Prince Caspian last night. We did this because, despite some annoyances, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe had not vandalized the book, and we had similar hopes here. Reviewing this movie is going to be be difficult, but if forced to give an overall evaluation, I would say …
Another Outrage on the Public Weal
So then, as it turns out, the California Supreme Court perpetrated a vicious hate crime against bisexuals. In a decision that reminded civilized observers everywhere of the smell of cooking cabbage, the seven robed judicialbots did what they did, and all the diversity advancement that progressives have been whining about interminably coughed quietly and died. …
Our Intellectual Cheetos
In the introductory material, Clapp has noted many of the American characteristics that are in tension. In Chapter 2, he starts to get into the particulars, in this case the tension between lonesomeness and community. If there is anything that country singers are good at, it is “high lonesome.” And if there is anything else …
Hardscrabble Celts
The first full chapter of Clapp’s book is entitled “America’s Southern Accent” and shows, quite effectively, that when we talk about American culture generally we are largely talking about Southern culture — “but now southern identity, like the Mississippi in flood, has surged well beyond the banks of the South as a region. In so …
Fourth of July Uplift
Here is a photo of Obama’s chum, William Ayers, taken from a profile on him in Chicago Magazine. There are about five reasons why I believe Obama cannot win the general election in the fall, and this is one of them. HT: The Pearcey Report But here is the problem for Christians. We are commanded …
Our Enemy the State
“Modern statism is the soured remnant of the Enlightenment idea of inevitable progress. This miserable wreckage, which once heralded joyfully the coming of the secular version of the kingdom of God, now hoarsely wheezes that if we worship it we shall receive salvation from extinction. The danger is not to be taken lightly. Woebegone as …
Because the Fearful Have a Choke-Chain On
“The entire ‘exhaustion-of-resources’ syndrome is one huge apology for totalitarian control over the citizens” (Herbert Schlossberg, Idols for Destruction, p. 224).
Depends on What You’re Conserving
“Conservatives of practically all types, like Wills and Will, fall all over each other exalting the prerogatives of the idol state. That is why when they take power from avowed social democratic parties—as in Sweden, Britain and the United States—there are no fundamental changes. They go with the tide; an electorate that demands the property …
The Real Problem
“In other words, bureaucrats shuffle not papers, but people” (Herbert Schlossberg, Idols for Destruction, p. 205).