I have just been listening to Hillary’s and Obama’s speeches (I know, I know), and decided that I just needed to modify an observation of H.L. Mencken’s, to wit, that it appears to many that America is a giant milch cow with 300 million teats. This is a tad more reserved than a comment from …
The Code-Mongers Dilemma
Okay, here is a ripe one. Those who have been following the lefti-capades here in Moscow should remember that this last November, a strident hard-left Moscow City Council was voted out and replaced by some grown-ups. In a fit of pique, before the old council left, they extended benefits to domestic partners of city workers. …
As Camp as a Row of Tents
During this visit, I was speaking with a pastor here who said, quite accurately, that quite apart from theology (on which we did not differ) women’s ordination in the CoE has been a disaster. We were not differing on the theology of the thing (God says not to do it), but rather agreeing that disobedience …
Just Enough Oxygen for One
I want to begin a short series of comments, keyed off of Jonah Goldberg’s book Liberal Fascism. As Goldberg demonstrates repeatedly, fascism was a phenomenon of the left, and the ones who were fascinated by it in this country were what we call progressives. Simplifying only just a little bit, the differences between communism and …
A Few Comments for Christians in the UK
Nancy and I have been having a delightful time here in the UK, seeing the sights of course, and visiting with some very insightful Christians here. This is our third visit to this lovely place, and it certainly won’t be the last. Here are some raggety taggety observations on the state of evangelicalism here, along …
Might As Well Go Along Quietly
An election is fast approaching. Many Christians are distressed at the condition of our country, and they are equally distressed over the choices they have in elections. Why is “none of the above” ever an option? While it is not appropriate to use a Christian pulpit as a partisan platform, it is equally unacceptable for …
Is the Christian Faith Right-Wing?
As the crisis in our country deepens, we must recognize the culpable role of the Church in bringing this crisis about. Not only has it been a culpable role, it has been a central culpable role. Because we have not been people of the Word, the result has been virtually no prophetic ministry to the …
Choosing Between a Real Enemy or a False Friend
Tomorrow is super-sized Tuesday, or whatever it is they call it. A discussion in a recent comments thread has asked why I would be unwilling to vote for Romney or McCain in the general election if they were running against Obama or Hillary, why I would “throw my vote away” by voting for an obscure …
Pressure Testing My Footings
We got six guys to come up to our house today to shovel off our deck, and it took them about an hour. We weren’t interested in finding out just how many feet of snow it would take to kick off some unplanned renovations at our house this summer. Many thanks to the guys, and …
“When Disney turned to live-action films, he transferred the techniques and mythic patterns he had developed through animation . . . Far be it from us to carp at cleanliness, but the sanitizing urge is central to the power of Disney’s mythic artifacts, and even the most sophisticated minds have been willing to surrender themselves …