River of Blood

“Islam is full of discrimination—against women, against non-Muslims, against Christians and most especially against Jews. Hatred is built into the religion. The history of Islam, which was my special area of study, could only be characterized as a river of blood” (Mark Gabriel, Islam and Terrorism, p. 5).

Sex as Metaphysical Greed

“Since sex for the homosexual is essentially an attempt to appropriate the masculinity that he feels lacking in himself from someone who seems to embody it, sex with girls has no purpose, since girls do not have what he lacks. Once construed in this way, sex becomes, essentially, vampirism” (E. Michael Jones, Monsters from the …

Though Technology Would Like To

“But even after a cure for syphilis had been found and a sure-fire preventative for pregnancy invented, a monster would appear after the revolution, as it did in 1979 with Alien, because the monster symbolizes the ineradicable nature of man’s conscience. Technology can never kill it” (E. Michael Jones, Monsters from the Id, p. 133).

Actually the Muslims Were the Ones on a Crusade

“While the Europeans occupied themselves with hysterical speculative eschatology, the Ottomans expanded their conquests. Sultan Selim called for a renewed Ji’had and added Greece, Macedonia, and the Balkans to his empire. His son, Suleiman, swept into Belgrade in 1521, expelled the Templars from Rhodes in 1522, and conquered Hungary in 1526. Then in 1529 he …

A Sexual Haunting

“As syphilis spread all over Europe, the horror at its unprecedented virulence spread with it. It was the sexual version of the black plague. As the descriptions of the doctors who first diagnosed the disease make clear, the advent of syphilis had much to do with the iconography of horror. The horrible faces in horror …

Sprawl With Pall!

Correction: I have been informed that my example of the gays or lesbians below was misinformed. The proposed law allows everybody up to one boarder and this allows for the scenario I described. My apologies for the bum dope. The law, however, does discriminate against a bisexual with three kids. It has been a while …