In the gospel of Mark, when John the Baptist’s head is served up on a dinner plate (Mk. 14:11), this is juxtaposed with the scene in which Jesus feeds the five thousand (Mk. 14:20). So the contrast is clear — the choice is between feeding God’s people or devouring them. This, as I take it, …
With All the Cherries
Here is a story I have been aware of for a while, but it appears to be heating up. Unless something breaks on this soon, it appears we may be headed for another Supreme Court decided presidential election (SCDPE 3.0). Roll out should be soon. The long and short of it is that Obama’s campaign …
God Uses Both Hands
Today a friend pointed me to a lecture that William Cavanaugh gave in Australia on Torture and Eucharist. I have read a couple of Cavanaugh’s books, but not that one, so I listened to the lecture with interest. As with the books of his that I have read, there was much there that when placed …
INTRODUCTION: As we look around us, we see nations and cultures in disarray. There are so many things going wrong, that is would be quite easy to despair. Where to start? What battles should we fight, and what should we let alone? This is itself quite an important issue, as Martin Luther once wisely noted. …
Here are the unfolding details about the Hitchens/Wilson book tour/debate, as I understand those details. I will be with Christopher Hitchens next Wednesday (October 29) at King’s College in the Empire State Building at twelve noon. This will be a book signing event in a town hall style meeting, hosted by Marvin Olasky, who is …
I have needed to decide what I am going to do in this Mad Hatter election, and I have needed to give my reasons for it here. We have already discussed many of those reasons back and forth, but I want to give a brief summary of my thoughts now. I have not voted for …
The “No Unwanted Child Left Alive” Act
Obama has said that the abortion question is “above his pay grade.” What is actually the case is that simple honesty on the issue is above his pay grade. I recommend this article to you, along with Al Mohler’s interaction with the author, Robert George. HT: Justin Taylor And speaking of being out of your …
The Reformation Was Personal
Last post on this topic we looked at the central doctrines of the Reformation. Here I hope to identify some of the central characters of the Reformation, and to fix some of the key dates in this great period of the church’s history. Because of the Incarnation, all doctrinal issues are ultimately personal in an …
One of the Church’s Great Resurrections
As we remember the resurrection of our Lord from the dead every Lord’s Day, we must also remember that this great power was not exhibited in the world so that we might simply watch it — He rose from the dead as the firstborn from the dead, and so that we might understand His great …
If You Don’t Like the Hole You’re In, Stop Digging
This morning I was pleased to see Neil Cavuto interviewing Ron Paul on the economic crisis, and Paul, as per custom, was talking good economic sense. When you are doing something crazy, and it causes problems, then stop it. If you are doing something big crazy, and it causes bigger problems, this should not be …