“The governments of Western countries do not have propaganda machines like Dr. Goebbels’, but all of Western culture is permeated by mass communications and round-the-clock entertainment. Whole populations are effectively anesthetized; independent thinking becomes rare; slogans replace thought; and logical analysis virtually ceases to exist” (Harold O.J. Brown, The Sensate Culture, p. 115).
Not by a Long Shot
Here’s a good article on how liberals in our media have a hard time bringing themselves to use the word “terrorist” in their news reporting, the most recent example being the atrocities of Mumbai. A coherent definition of terrorism is only possible if grounded in just war theory, which is itself grounded in biblical law. …
Am I Missing Something?
Thus far I have seen that Bishop Tutu has called for Mugabe’s ouster in Zimbabwe, as President Sarkozy of France has also done. Well done for both those gents. I would call for it too if anybody cared. But I have not yet seen that Bishop N.T. Wright has taken this necessary step, although I …
Not the First Time We’ve Been Here
“Although it began at a time when the older idealistic view was already being replaced by a sensate mentality, the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century reasserted an ideational worldview, placing great emphasis upon God, his will, and his Word . . . The Protestant Christianity of the Reformation represented a far-reaching effort to reverse …
You Dogmatic Pig
See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die No, I have not gone all nerdy on you, and yes, I am about to analyze the argument presented in the above musical spoof of California’s Prop 8. Here is the argument presented by Prop 8: The Musical. Christians who profess to follow the Bible must, …
Assisted Suicide for Churches
“When religious groups compromise their foundational beliefs in order to coexist with the late sensate culture rather than challenging it or standing against it, they in effect consent to their own liquidation” (Harold O.J. Brown, The Sensate Culture, p. 67).
Different Kinds of Moonbats
One of the valuable things I learned from Rushdoony was the idea of the inescapable concept. It is not whether we will impose morality through our laws, but rather which morality we will impose. It is not whether there will be an ultimate god for every political system, but rather which god it will be. …
The Loyal Opposition
Okay, so the Republicans had a really bad, losing season. They have fired the head coach, but kept the rest of the coaching staff on and gave them all big raises, in the hopes of perpetuating the mischief somehow. It will probably work. There is no elected Republican on the national stage with any kind …
Arguing High Theology with the Hot Dog Vendor
One of the testing points of wisdom is the matter of identifying what the real issue is. In ancient rhetoric, this is what stasis theory was about — what is really at issue? What is the hinge upon which all turns? Luther complimented Erasmus at the conclusion of The Bondage of the Will because he …
The Importance of Fathers
Most boys growing up need to be taught their strength, as when they are horsing around with their younger siblings. They are bigger, stronger, and much more influential let us say, than they think they are. But this need for teaching this lesson doesn’t disappear when boys get past the horsing around stage. In their …