“A guilty conscience, such as our generation has, often tries to drown out consciousness in order not to be aware of the pain of guilt. Drugs, booze, and the pursuit of deadening pleasures of all sorts, the constant thump-thump music or the ubiquitous narcotic of television—all are ways to drown out the guilt of consciousness, …
Getting Back to “A and not A”
As I continue to reflect on the state of things in the UK, I wanted to post something that might be a tad provocative, and by this, I don’t mean provocative to those who are currently agitating for the ordination of sea urchins, or whatever it is they are doing these days. Those folks have …
Lesbians Who Aren’t Really
I am not sure that any young people read this blog, but, if they do, this post might be a good one to get some parental guidance on first. I generally sleep like a pre-Cambrian rock, but occasionally I wake up in the middle of the night, and am wide awake for an hour or …
Next Act in the Goon Show
As Chesterton put it, people who don’t stand for something will fall for anything. In a time when murky thinking reigns supreme, it is not surprising that we have gotten to this . . . what? travesty? outrage? goon show?
Deep Affection for America
Today is the 4th of July, and we have been free of the tyrannies and predations of the House of Hanover for 232 years now. Tyrants and predators have not disappeared from the earth however, and so this evening I would urge everyone to set off a firecracker or squib as a kind of taunt …
Cultures Are Always Loyal
“Culture always comes from religion . . . Culture always becomes a servant of the birthing religion, and its very raison d’etre is to protect, further explicate, and expand the influence and control of the mother religion . . . If you understand the relationship between religious belief and culture, you’ll understand clearly what’s happening …
Out in Public
“Culture, as we understand it, is not simply a matter of personal preferences, or likes and dislikes, but it is a matter of public preferences. The shared space is where we find culture, not in the private and personal space (although it extends there). How things are viewed that occur in the private space is …
The Un-Fukuyama
“These are not the last days of history, they are simply the last days of ungodly humanism” (Steve Schlissel, Christian Culture in a Multicultural Age, p. 23).
Politicians or Prophets?
Continuing the important theme of reading and declaring God’s judgments in history, here is an important argument for why Christians must recover an understanding of why it must be done. “But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you . . . …
So Far Left That . . .
The McCains own seven houses, but they haven’t paid taxes on one of them for four years. My guess is that they got out of rotation in their visits, and forgot they owned it. If they keep this up, because the condo is in default, they won’t anymore. Obama now has the Democratic nomination sewn …