In Like a Lion, Out Like a Bear

I would take a photo out my window of the snow storm that is pounding us here, but enemies of the gospel of global cooling would think I had photoshopped it. This is a crisis. We clearly need to hand over unlimited power now to government bureaucrats and regulators, not to mention faceless international functionaries, …

Black Markets

He who names, wins. And one of the things that statists, tyrants and bullies like to do, when their regulations have shut virtually every productive thing down, is call the small remaining enclaves of free transactions “black markets.” Black markets, aye. And of course, there is a certain kind of Christian who, when Congress (in …

Real Wealth Hasn’t Gone Anywhere

In these, the golden years of congressional farce, we need periodically to be reminded of a few basic economic realities. Here is just one of them. I will try to offer up others from time to time, but I keep getting distracted by the glorious theatrics all arouund us. It is hard to keep my …

Son of a Gun. Whattaya Know?

“Unfortunately, it is not only those who take heroin who are blinded by illusions, but almost the entire population, including—or especially—the experts. Every problem in contemporary society calls forth its equal and supposedly opposite bureaucracy. The ostensible purpose of the bureaucracy is to solve that problem. But the bureaucracy quickly develops a survival instinct and …

Got a Ninctobinkus Broke In It

Michael Spencer has written a thoughtful article on the coming evangelical collapse that has gotten some good circulation, and you can take a gander here. Only two quick comments. First, he is absolutely right that the evangelical movement is in the process of collapsing, but only in the sense that the banks that are all …