In Case You Missed It . . .

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It was in the course of this last year that I began doing a book-of-the-month review in the hope that you would link on one or more of the links, and find yourself in the realms of edification and uplift. In case you missed them first time around, here is a round-up. I started in March, so you won’t have a full dozen. If any of you tidy-minded are bothered by that, and want to order a full twelve, you can wait until next year, trying to work on your issues in the meantime.

The World-Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips is a great introduction to, and review of, the basics of the gospel. Reformer of Basel by Diane Poythress is a very readable introduction to the life of John Oecolampadius, a Reformed who ought to be much known than he is. A Shot of Faith to the Head by Mitch Stokes is a great apologetic answer to some of the fallacies of unbelief.

The Tyranny of Cliches by Jonah Goldberg is a lot of light for those who have to deal with the darkness of what passes for public discourse these days. From the Garden to the City by John Dyer is a balanced and sane approach to the new world that technology is ushering in all around us. The Liberal Arts: A Student’s Guide by Gene Fant, Jr. is just great. A liberal arts degree should not be thought of as vocational training for English teachers. Learn more here.

If You Bite and Devour by Alexander Strauch delivers the kind of pointed rebuke that numerous churches need to hear. How can we be Spirit-filled Christians in the midst of conflict? Strauch gives biblical answers. By Good and Necessary Consequence by Ryan McGraw is a great little treatment of that phrase. Taken from the Westminster Confession, it is a phrase that calls out for explanation, which McGraw provides. The Imperative of Preaching by John Carrick was one of the most helpful books on preaching I have ever read. The Truth About Organic Foods by Alex Avery is quite good. For those who have followed my arguments on this general topic, please note that attacks on hypochondria do not translate into a contempt for those who are genuinely sick. There is a difference between food allergies, on the one hand, and food phobias, or foodie fads on the other. For those who might be worried about their food more than they ought to be could benefit a lot from this book.

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