As we have visited the UK a number of times over the last few years, we have gotten to know some wonderful Christian people there, a number of whom are now involved in a new evangelical church plant. The name of the church is Emmanuel Evangelical Church, located in Southgate. So if you live in …
And I Guess We Don’t
This is just to help you get your mind around it. This math is from Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack. If someone gave you a million dollars, and told you to spend it at a rate of a dollar a second, and you started last week, you would be out of money by now. If they …
Rednecks and Homosexuals
Just a few more comments on Miss California, and then I am done. Done, that is, until the next revolution on this merry-go-round that we call cultural commentary. First, one commenter in the previous thread on this had a “physician, heal thyself” question which I thought would be better to answer here. He said that …
The Liberty University Hot Bodies Convocation Service
Am I prescient or what? Here is the reception that Miss California Carrie Prejean got at the gospel music Dove awards the other night. A standing ovation. And here is a clip from a press release by the Liberty Counsel “Miss California, Carrie Prejean will be in Lynchburg today to encourage thousands of Liberty University …
Torture and the Sum of All Fears
This will be one of those posts where I am afraid that I will make no one happy. But . . . oh, well. Torture is much in the news, and so — to the law and to the testimony. Let us begin by offending those who are recycling Joseph Fletcher’s situation ethics from back …
Okay, Okay . . . Miss California
Well, let me say just a couple of serious things before I talk about what makes me wheeze. I saw an interview with Miss Carrie Prejean about her now infamous run-in with the kind of insane interaction that must have occurred on Lot’s front porch. She seemed like a sweet and sincere Christian to me, …
Partisanship: The New Funding Model of Journalism
The shift occurred quietly (well, relatively quietly) and without a lot of fanfare. I used to read the newspaper regularly, faithfully, on almost a daily basis, for many, many years. And then one day I found that I wasn’t doing that anymore, and I didn’t need to subscribe to any papers, and I was just …
No Tar, No Feathers, No Nothing
Suppose I had a very strange experience with some of my neighbors on two successive evenings. The first night a group of my neighbors showed up at my door with a bucket of tar and a bag of feathers, and they wanted me to join them as they headed down the block to find Murphy …
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Okay, so today is tax day, and it is time for a little pep talk. Our government is going what governments do best, which is being greedy, grasping, voracious, irresponsible, idiotic, and shrewd. The people on the receiving end of this are doing what they do best, which is complain about it without doing anything …
Not Going to Run Out
Now I have outlined in a previous post the fact that incentives are inescapable. It is not whether finite creatures will have them, but which incentives they will have. They will respond to various incentives according to their nature, according to the moral condition of their heart and head. You cannot lure a hungry horse …