Letter to the Editor: Just a question, if I may. In a recent post entitled, "Classical Charter Schools as a Cut Flowers Display," You mention a quote from Peter Berger..."you should ...
Lig Duncan and that Infamous Clip Making the Rounds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXnwKgzXy8o Introduction: I was going to be doing a bit of traveling, and so last week I wrote and recorded a few of my blog posts prior to departure. That was ...
Jews and the Measure You Use
Dear Gavin, I know that we have been talking primarily about whites and blacks, but I want to change the subject, moving over to the Jews for just a moment. This is only an apparent change of ...
Because Covenants Matter
“An adulterer is really married—that’s in part what makes him an adulterer. A faithful husband is really married too, but there is far more to the story than the two of them being ‘really married.’”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 620
And Yet We Yearn
Gray and Rainy
“But those Reformed disputants who could have known better, and who had a duty to know better, and who have persisted in circulating falsehoods anyway, what can I say? It must be rough having a conscience that looks like a rainy Saturday in Pittsburgh.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 619
Recapitulation and Imputation
“If all things are mine, then how could it be possible for the obedience of Christ to not be mine? The fact that the New Testament goes out of its way to show the life of Christ as a recapitulation of the history of Israel, but with this time Israel doing it right, makes this, in my view, undeniable. In all that He is and does, Christ is Christ for us. He does not recapitulate the history of Israel got show off how much He knows. It is not literary doodling. It is clearly redemptive—His entire life is salvific. The fact of it in the Incarnation is salvific, the trajectory of it in His recapitulation of Israel’s history is also, and the culmination of it in His death and resurrection is the capstone of our salvation.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 614
An Apple Core With Ants All Over It
Introduction: Since discussions of Christian Nationalism are now officially a thing, I want to make sure that I do not shirk when it comes to any responsibility I might have to help make the case. ...
A Decided Hierarchy
“My position is that Scripture is senior to the Confessions, and that the Confessions are senior to (and quite different from) popular American bapterian readings of the Confessions . . . The system is fine. The Confessions are fine. The problem is that Reformed bapterians have as many problem passages in the Confessions as they do in the Scriptures.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 606
Letters From a Bunch of People
Letter to the Editor: Hello dear brother Doug, I thank God for you! I have a fellow pastor who is working through how to discipline his wife. He believes that as he spanks his children (not ...