Would you call yourself an advocate of patriarchy or an advocate of complementarianism? I would want to call myself patriarchal. Complementarians want to honor the teaching of Scripture on submission, but they tend to restrict that understanding to keeping women out of the pulpits of churches, and by teaching male headship in the home. But …
Westminster, Aye
“The Westminster Confession of Faith does not need constant fixing; the hearts of Westminsterians do need constant fixing. The problem is not Moses’ seat, but rather the Pharisaical bums ensconced there. I have been regularly surprised at the defenders of the Confession who cannot answer simple questions about what is actually in it. Their loyalty to the confession is loyalty to the idea of having it, and not to what it actually says.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 656-657
A Quick Christian Nationalism Walk Through
So let us start at the base of the stairs, and go up them one at a time. Every society, of necessity, must have a final locus of authority. That authority must either be contingent and within the system, or absolute and outside the system. If there is no absolute authority outside the system, then …
A Bomber’s Nose
“Thousands of hours of study without meeting with the principals face-to-face is thousands of hours of yelling up the wrong rain spout. Establishing committees that are as stacked as a WWII bomber’s nose is not the way to inspire my confidence. No, I haven’t gotten over the sheer brazenness of that study committee.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 653
April Letters Bring May Debtors
NB: the headline may not make sense, but it rhymes. Letter to the Editor: You present via Milton one inference of the way in which Adam sinned —and the conclusions you make I believe ...
Feed My Lambs
“I agree that the fact that we baptize infants does not obligate us to allow them to vote in church elections, or drive the bus to the family retreat. But what we are talking about, with regard to the Table, is food. All children who come into our households should have the privilege of food.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 647
Guards or Bouncers?
“All pastors and elders should want to protect the Table from corrupt use, but we should do so a posteriori. The approach to church purity taken here is that of hiring big, beefy security guards at the door to check everyone’s IDs three times. The approach taken to church purity by what I take to be a more consistent covenantal approach is to hire big, beefy bouncers.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 644
Yes, Well, There’s Always That
Which Is Unpleasant
“Being prosecuted by sentimentalist pietists is like drowning in a cauldron of hot butterscotch”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 634
Nothing Ad-Libbed
“The problem with this is that synergism is frequently used by people who want God to do 90 percent, and we do the remaining 10. He carries one end of the heavy object, and we carry the other end. This is not a Calvinistic understanding at all. In Calvinistic synergy, God does one hundred percent, and I do the other one hundred percent. Shakespeare writes one hundred percent of Hamlet’s lines, and Hamlet speaks one hundred percent of Hamlet’s lines. The wrong kind of synergy has Shakespeare writing the plot of Hamlet’s life, with Hamlet ad-libbing his way through it.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 625