We Still Like the Graven Part

“The modern man, ever since Descartes, has liked making idols out of intellectual abstractions . . . While abstractions make fine idols, it would be a grave mistake to think that modern men are somehow immune from the age-old pitfalls presented by various concrete idolatries. We like candles and graven images almost as much as …

The Accidental Educator

Through various accidents of time and other forces bigger than me, I have been involved in five educational enterprises. The first was Logos School, which we were involved in starting so our kids could have a place to attend school. The second was New St. Andrews College. The third was serving as an editor for …

Book of the Month/February 2014

I have enjoyed Virginia Postrel’s writing for years. Her first book, The Future and Its Enemies, was a great treatment of our modern Luddites, our quasi-Luddites, our neo-Luddites, and our Luddites in denial. It was really good. In The Substance of Style, she showed an acute aesthetic sense in her survey of modern technology and …

What Do We Mean by Sole Source?

The photo above is the Canon Press/Logos Press warehouse, a place, as you can clearly see, of haunting beauty. So let me tell you about something that is going on in there. So this particular installment of Education Thursday is addressed to administrators and board members of classical Christian schools. I know you are out …

Parable of the Ten Investment Portfolios

Given the emphasis that the president placed on “income inequality” in his 2014 SOTU speech, I thought it necessary for us to review a few things from the Bible. We have wandered so far off from the teaching of Jesus that some of this pandering seems compelling and/or compassionate to us. It is actually evil. …