Since I blogged a couple times over the last week or so about the Wheaton situation, I thought I needed to highlight this statement by Phil Ryken. I thought it was a good statement, and I was glad to see it. However, there are some additional caveats about the whole situation that I would like …
No Mas
“In the meantime, we do not need for the bishop to process up the central aisle like the shiniest and baddest black crow in the gutter. We do not need another message from Doctrine Man with ten rivets in each subpoint. We do not need the worship leader to take us through yet one more …
Gifts That Profit
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) The Basket Case Chronicles #142 “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal” (1 Cor. 12:7). Let’s begin our discussion of this passage by citing a more contemporary translation. “To each is given the manifestation of the …
Doctrine Explains What Happened
“We will of course need doctrine that arises from the Scriptures in order to help us understand what the Spirit just did for us. But if the Spirit didn’t actually do anything, then our systematic theologies are nothing but printed kits for organizing smoke. If the Spirit didn’t do anything, then any religious frenzies, conducted …
Sexual Confusion- Who Are You?
Our college ministry, Collegiate Reformed Fellowship, is sponsoring a big event next month. Sam Allberry, author of Is God Anti-gay?, will be speaking at the University of Idaho on Wednesday March 5th at 7:30pm. His story is one of God’s goodness in the midst of same sex attraction, and is a powerful testimony for those …
With Tongues Hanging Out
I posted something here about a small dust-up at Wheaton College over the appearance of Rosaria Champagne Butterfield there. My post was blunt, as it needed to be, and at least a couple of additional things need to observed after the fact. The concern of Scripture is holiness, not propriety. Chesterton teaches us that virtue …
Blowing Bubbles From the Bottom
If you think you are up to it, and if you have a cast iron stomach, and if you have not ingested your recommended weekly allowance of piffle over the last few days, you may go here and fix everything. The short form is that Rosaria Champagne Butterfield — whose book was fantastic, by the …
And We All Need Jesus
“So we need to come to grips with the fact that in North America, the bride of Christ is a hot mess. We live in a time when the charismatics need the Spirit, the Reformed need a reformation, and the evangelicals need to be born again” (Against the Church, pp. 7-8).
Covenant Evangelism
From Antithesis (Vol. II, No. 3) May/June 1991 To put it mildly, American Christianity is regrettably permeated with an individualism that stands in stark contrast to the biblical teaching of covenantal Christianity. But even Christians who believe in and emphasize covenantal thinking are still influenced by this individualism; they often exhibit a marked tendency to …
The Ultimate Iconoclast
“God is the ultimate iconoclast, and God told His angels to begin at His sanctuary [Ezek. 9:6-7], and He told them to get in there and defile it” (Against the Church, p. 3).