You can now see the trailer for Mercy Rule over in my sidebar. I can honestly say that if you schedule this for your family movie night, you will have an edifying blast together. I don’t go in for spoilers here, but I will say that there is an A story and a B story …
Mercy Rule Release
I will say more about this later, but let me say now that here is a movie for the whole family you really ought to check out. It is called Mercy Rule, and here is a link that explains how to get it. I have seen it — it really is fantastic. Make sure to …
Ah, But It Is a Story
So last night thirty-three couples, of all makes and models, were married at the Grammys. This solemnified high indignity was performed by Queen Latifah, while being serenaded with “Same Love” by Macklemore and Madonna. Talk about a class event! It was almost as good as getting married by Dr. Phil on Oprah because “all the …
Her Other Hand Comes Too
In order to understand the politics of our time, we have to understand the paradox of inequality. The way the debate is usually framed, we are forced to choose between liberty and equality. Now when I am charged to pick one of these, I am happy to do so, provided it is the right kind …
Our New Fellow of Theology
We are thrilled to announce that NSA has hired Tim Edwards as Fellow of Theology, to be joining us here in Moscow by next fall. After Peter Leithart moved to Birmingham to work with Trinity House, the college had quite a challenge replacing someone of Peter’s stature. We are really excited about God’s kindness to …
Let’s Watch Them for a Bit
A policeman doesn’t need a warrant, and shouldn’t need a warrant, to look at your house. But there is more to it. I have noted before that many contemporary Americans are demanding privacy when what they really want is anonymity. But these are not the same thing at all. If I am walking down a …
Logos Online School
Now follow me carefully here, because I think there may be at least a couple of things here that you didn’t expect, because online education is the sole province of homeschoolers, right? Quite right, and not exactly. This is my first installment in what I hope becomes a regular feature — let’s call it Education …
Hygiene Lectures From Typhoid Mary
A bill now before the Idaho legislature raises a thorny question. The choice facing our legislators is this. If they vote yes, and they remove the religious exemption shield, then they will be seen as encroaching on the religious freedom of parents to care for their children according to their conscience. But if they vote …
American Shame
We have passed yet another grim mile-marker since the Roe v. Wade decision. This is a road of cultural degradation and shame, and we have been traveling it over forty years now. That is how long Israel spent in the wilderness, and — just as with them — God is not pleased with us. We …
History as Crowd Control
I just finished reading Herbert Butterfield’s small book The Whig Interpretation of History. I had heard or seen it referred to from time to time, and so thought I needed to get with the program. Butterfield is a superb writer, and has a very solid grasp of his subject, and the whole book was an …