Surrender the Good Surrender?

Carl Trueman says a lot of good things here, and I invite you all to reflect on them. Having done so, I want to take this occasion to argue with his selection of one word, about which more in a minute. Trueman sees right through the posing of those Christians whose idea of “engaging culture” …

7 Reasons Why a Trump Administration Might be a Good Thing

No, no. I haven’t gone soft in the #NeverTrump department. Read on. “Their heart is as fat as grease; But I delight in thy law” (Ps. 119:70). 1. A Trump administration would manifestly be a judgment from God, and judgments from God are good. Not pleasant, but they are always good. God knows how to …

Submission as the S Word

I recently saw a post about wifely submission online, which you can read here, along with some reactions to it on Facebook, which can best be described as yet another round of the vapors. Now I grant that there were certain rhetorical aspects of the original post that were infelicitous, but the central one appeared …