What Makes Satan’s Factories Hum

When we emphasize that Christ died as a propitiatory sacrifice, a blood sacrifice, we are emphasizing something right at the heart of the gospel. And shrewd evangelists have known for centuries that preaching the cross this way is essential to effective evangelism — a process quite distinct from what passes for evangelism these days, a …

Try a Little More Fabric Softener

When a relationship goes south on you, and the whole thing seems inexplicable, the place to turn for wisdom is James 4. Where do these out-of-the-blue conflicts come from, for pity’s sake? And of course, all the initial trouble-shooting diagnostics you run ought not to be trying to figure out what went wrong with the …

The Kingdom of God is Like an Inner City Soup Kitchen

A commenter named Tapani raised a question about the Eucharist in a previous thread, and I would like to address it by talking about something else first. Systematic theology, rightly applied, is really nothing more than the art of being able to remember what you have learned from all of Scripture as you encounter any …

The Averted War of Malchus’ Ear

In the early eighteenth century, there was a war between England and Spain called the War of Jenkins’ Ear. In the New Testament, there was almost a conflict called the War of Malchus’ Ear, but it was averted because Jesus put the ear back (Luke 22:51). “Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and …