Organic and Dark Brown

I am reading a book right now that promises to be enormously helpful — When Helping Hurts. Often poverty relief efforts are as well-intentioned as it gets, but the results unfortunately do not match the intentions. This book understandably begins with the biblical mandate to see the connection between the gospel and actually changing the …

Become Less to Matter More

For reasons I don’t need to go into here, I have been mulling this last week on godly ambition, and the desire to make a difference in the world. For, of course, there is a dangerous counterfeit here. Wanting to change the world is one of the most predictable and worldly things we can do. …

Freedom From and Freedom To

In a recent post responding to William Cavanaugh, I said a few things about some current misapplications of the Pauline definition of freedom. True freedom is the freedom to obey God, and no one is truly, ultimately free without that freedom. Amen. A slave who has it is Christ’s freedman, and ought not to worry …

A Thumbnail Statement on the Trinity

Just a quick thumbnail statement on the Trinity. As Thomas Adams once said, “It is rashness to search, godliness to believe, safeness to preach, and eternal blessedness to know the Trinity.” A great deal of practical confusion exists concerning our relationship to our Triune God. Of course, Christians believe in the Trinity — but they …