Blended, rich, sanded like ancient oak, Light, but never pale. Her fruit is weight and glory; textured chocolate. All mingled years In a cask bestowed, She is my tawny port.
The Unaware Billionaire
One day, a certain man became a Christian. He had been thinking about it for months, and a next door neighbor had explained the faith in a compelling way. This man and his wife both accepted the Lord, and were baptized the following Sunday. The next day, Monday morning, before he went to work, the …
Flesh is Grass
At Your Word, O God, the mountains smoke, And at Your Word, the oceans boil in their basins. You speak, and all the earth is silent. You speak, and regiments of tornadoes leap into battle. Quietly, You cause the grasses of the field to bend back and forth on the way to withering brown as …
Optional Realities
Once there was a nation that turned away from the living God, and so the living God turned them over to their vain imaginations, so that their foolish hearts were darkened. One of the states in that nation — let us call it Massachusetts –decided through its judicial system that our system of public life …
Covenant Mirrors
A certain father did not really understand the principle of covenantal permission. He was very concerned with issues of reputation, so he was very careful not to set a poor example for his children, particularly his sons. And this is why his sons grew up in a home that was morally tidy. But I am …
Common Law Wives and Concubines
Just finished reading an outstanding book by Stephen Perks, a British theologian and writer. The book is entitled Common Law Wives and Concubines, and is a collection of essays by Perks on a number of issues relating to covenantal Christianity and the current state of Western culture. It is really a worthwhile read. A couple …
Your Bastard Child
We are nearing the end of the first week of homosexual marriage in Massachusetts. It is easy enough to see the incoherence of this dead end, but hard for us to see where it all started. It is especially hard for evangelical Christians to see where it all began, because it all began with us, …
She Blinded Me With Science
The very first man once occupied himself, as he was told to do, with naming the animals. A short way behind him walked a scientific investigator, holding a clipboard, in order to check whether or not the first man had named them accurately. Many years later, an elderly man in his nineties was given a …
God Bless the Baptists
A few years ago, Nathan Wilson wrote an article for Credenda entitled “Our Baptist Betters.” We coming up on what may prove to be a striking example of the same thing yet again. The Southern Baptist Convention (the communion in which I was baptized) is considering a resolution that calls upon all Southern Baptists to …
Massachusetts Hate
Today marks the second day of Massachusetts’ court ordered, legally sanctioned hatred of bisexuals. By limiting marriage licenses to two and only two people, they have clearly displayed their deep seated animus toward those differently wired people/persons/bi-pedal carbon units who have a sexual attraction for both sexes. Clearly, one beloved cannot be both sexes. However …