The article that Nathan Wilson wrote for Books and Culture is now available on the web. Those who want to read the entire articule may do so by clicking here. Those who want a little more background information may still go here. And in another development, a lecture on the Shroud that Nathan gave should …
Education in a Democracy
Visionaries, Follow this debate if you can. GSS stands for Government School Supporter, and PSS stands for Private School Supporter. PSS: Let’s compare the stats of private schools and government schools! GSS: That would be an unfair comparison. Many of the kids in government schools are neglected. PSS. Oops. Sorry. Let’s stop neglecting them then. …
How the Cow Ate the Cabbage
Evangelical postmodernists luxuriate in the sensation that they are on the bleeding, cutting edge. They feel that they have the “out-there-ness” to really make a radical statement to our times. In reality, their story is about as interesting as the one about how the cow ate the cabbage. By now, I have read a goodish …
Making a Cat Laugh
Dear Visionaries, I am trying to figure out how my last post could possibly have been construed as a defense of Republicans. I am not a Republican. The morphing we have gone through has happened to a nation, and not just to one or the other of the major political parties. We used to be …
One More Idea Grinder
Trying to bring a little moisture into our dogmas concerning Scripture, Carl Raschke’s words drip like cold water from the roof of a damp cave. Taking Charles Hodge to task for his stalwart defense of the doctrine of Scripture, Raschke says this: “Hodge essentially made the unprecedented claim that the saga of the parting of …
Belated Christmas Greetings
Dear visionaries, Just a short note expressing my deep hope that you all had as blessed a Christmas as our household did. Nothing compares to it — worship on Christmas Eve, family gathered around a table in deep fellowship, prime rib and rich red wine, grand-kids delighted with their stick horses, and a glorious tree …
Check It Out
Please check out the website for our friends at Ball and Cross Books. It is also posted off to the left.
Nouns and Stories
One of the most baffling things about the postmodern drift in Reformed and evangelical circles is the idea that certainty is entirely and completely dependent on foundationalism. And, if foundationalism goes, then there goes our ability to know anything for certain. Now foundationalism is the philosophical view that certitude must be based on certain “basic” …
More Shroud Stuff
Since the Shroud of Turin web site went up last week, the response has been really remarkable, with lots of interest and respect from all around the world. But some of our local critics have been beside themselves, and have behaved like a nine-year-old boy throwing rocks at a train . . . ten minutes …
Looking for My Feet
Manfully, I continue to work through The Next Reformation by Carl Raschke. In the course of my reading this morning, I came across this. “The philosophical quest for unfailing presuppositions is not Christian; it is outright paganism” (p. 113, emphasis his). Presuppositions are not something you go off and hunt for, like the Holy Grail. …