Unwanted Attentions

Visionaries, Susanna wonders why we cannot just continue to recognize marriage as contractual monogamy, expanding it only with regard to the sex of the spouses? She says she can light a cigarette without starting a forest fire, and should also be able to marry her same-sex partner without exposing herself to the unwanted attentions of …

An Alternative to Darwin

A close observer of the scientific community can see a number of omnious cracks in the monolithic wall of naturalistic evolution. From the potent challenges of the Intelligent Design movement, to the belated recognition that evolutionary ideas have had bad consequences (e.g. From Darwin to Hitler by Weikart), Darwinists are clearly on the defensive — …

Striving For Tolerance

Below is a column I recently wrote for our local paper. In our society today, tolerance is generally considered a good word representing a good thing. We have a long history of looking sideways at closed or despotic societies, and for very good reasons. When one sectarian group lays claim to a monopoly on Absolute …

Government in the Bedroom

Visionaries, There is an important difference between sexual hypocrisy, which our nation has in spades, and which practices privately what it condemns publicly, and the tragic way of removing that hypocrisy, which is to bring yourself to approve the sin formally. Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, and we always need to …