So check out the “news in brief” at Lark News. Looks like everybody is on to us now.
But Secularism Really Is Ugly
In the world of postmodern politics, truth does not matter — and pressure does. One of the reasons postmodern theorists say that all truth constructions are really just disguised power grabs is to disable any who oppose them. Once the decks are cleared for action, up they jump with their own construction which (mysteriously) is …
Not In Our Town
Apologetics in the Void” are repostings from an on-going electronic discussion and debate I had some time ago with members of our local community, whose names I have changed. The list serve is called Vision 20/20, and hence the name “visionaries.” Reading just these posts probably feels like listening to one half of a phone …
Lady Huntington
Whenever Lt. William Morris was angry, he would simply swallow and grow a little colder. An intense and disciplined man, he was not given to outbursts, but the anger was still there, each incident taking it a little deeper. Hungry for glory, he had surpassed heroism in several encounters with the Royal Navy, and was …
Christ in the Public Square
The Banty Rooster is glad for my clarification on “owning the curse” the other day, and has no real problem with my position now, as clarified. But he still thinks this amounts to a rhetorical reversal from what we published last year in our “Sodom As Yawnsville” issue of Credenda. So I thought I would …
Frivolous Questions
Dear visionaries, Nick has presented me with a whole host of “articles for repudiation.” But before answering Nick’s questions, allow me to invite you all (again) to the town hall meeting we are having at the Kenworthy. We would love to see you there. We will genuinely attempt to answer all the serious questions seriously. …
Owning the Curse
Just got back in town from a marriage conference in Lynchburg, Virginia, and spent the day yesterday trying to shovel things off my desk. Right before we left, a discussion arose on about the issue of Credenda we published last year in which we argued for “owning the curse” of homosexual marriage. In the …
Uppity Calvinist Women
Visionaries, In his great book Orthodoxy, Chesterton once said, “This began to be alarming. It looked not so much as if Christianity was bad enough to include any vices, but rather as if any stick was good enough to beat Christianity with.” The aptness of this observation is seen in the following missive from Angie: …
Pro Fanum
Visionaries, In his recent post, Darryl targets my assumption of the infallibility of the God’s Word, and offers his alternative. But this simply highlights yet another example of an “inescapable concept.” The best way to summarize this concept is with the phrase, “not whether, but which.” It is not whether we will have a god …
Avoiding Checkmate
Visionaries, Darryl wrote to ask about my responsibility in helping to give Moscow a black eye in the PR department. What was my intent in all of this? First, Darryl is exactly right in anticipating how I would respond. We did not print and distribute the anonymous flyers, we did not ask for a front …