That Wall of Separation

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed the bill just out of the California legislature, a bill authorizing homosexual marriage in that state. He did this in spite of the fact that he actually supports the right of homosexuals to marry. Let’s try to translate it into terms we all understand. In other words, he is “personally …

On Behalf of NSA

I am grateful for this “shameless appeals” category on this blog. It enables me to point to various ministries that are genuinely worthy of support from the broader Christian community, and today’s lesson has to do with New St. Andrews College. But those who don’t want to suffer through a shameless appeal can just press …

Survey Reveals Downtown Moscow Parking Myth

Everyone knows that we have a parking problem downtown. But the problem is that we don’t always get the ideal parking space we wanted, which is not exactly the same thing as not getting a good parking place. As the agitation of a few against New St. Andrews College continues, one of the staple arguments …

Love and Loyalty

When you are in a conflict with a group of people over the course of several years, at some point you come to realize what kind of thing sets them off. Of course, as we have been dealing with the intoleristas in Moscow, it would be an excusable mistake for someone to argue that anything …

Going South and North At the Same Time

In his wonderful book Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton points out the tendency non-believers have to throw any available rock at the Christian faith, never mind that the rocks might not all be consistent with each other. He points out that infidels, for example, say that Christianity disparages women and children, but then they turn around to …

Prejudice Is A Two-Way Street

I submitted the piece below to the Daily News as a response to a Town Crier column that ran last night. In his Town Crier piece last Wednesday, Clifton Anderson granted that “in America, Wilson has the right to his own opinions, of course.” And precisely because this is an op-ed page in America, I …