A Zombie Apocalypse Would be Worse

  Some sins, Paul tells us, run out in front of a man, while others bring up the rear. Some are screamingly obvious, while others are more subtle (1 Tim. 5:24). This means that in Bible-believing churches, cavorting with prostitutes, shooting out street lights, and knocking off convenience stories is generally frowned upon. But other …

Grad Study in the Wordsmithy

I alluded to further developments in my previous post. Just to help you keep track, there’s three days in the wordsmithy, and then there are more than three days in the wordsmithy. And here is a description, as captured by a statement from NSA: Merry Christmas to you from New Saint Andrews College. Here’s What’s …

Football Players or Pirates?

I don’t believe in complicating economic discussion more than is necessary. The Bible requires some form of capitalist society in the basic commandment, “Thou shalt not steal.” This command presupposes the institution of private ownership — private property as a divine institution — and sets up a fundamental protection against assaults on the right to …

When Gratitude Should Kill Envy

I don’t really know what is more out of kilter — nonbelievers looking at this kind of thing without enormous gratitude to God, or soft leftist believers refusing to look at this kind of thing because it throws a spanner into their politics of envy. We should remember that Jesus Himself said that gaining the …