Southern Baptist Lava Lamps

Just the other day, in a masterpiece of bad timing, delegates to the Southern Baptist Convention voted to disassociate themselves from the Confederate battle flag. I maintain this was a cloth-headed blunder for three basic reasons. First, it was as though the second story of your house were on fire, and the fire department did …

Circumambient Imbecilities

The phrase in my title comes from Mencken, but the reality that we must deal with every day comes from . . . from our thought leaders, I think. It is a bad business when a nation’s thought leaders quit thinking. A radical Muslim, working the ISIS angle, shot up a homosexual nightclub, murdering 49 …

The Latest Trumpadoo

Introduction: So here are a few random thoughts on the latest iteration of our great republican hokey pokey. Have you ever read color commentary on res publicae hoci poci, to use Cato’s oft abused phrase? Well, that’s all anybody reads anymore, right? But here goes anyhow. Shock and Aw, Shucks: The first thing to say, …