Fact and Meaning
“We need to engage with antisemites over the sheer fact of the Nazi atrocities against the Jews. That genocide and attempt at complete genocide really did happen. But we also must debate the meaning of the Holocaust with the Jews. It does not mean what many Christ-rejecting Jews are claiming it means. If Christ rose from the dead, it cannot mean that.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 25
One of Our Regular Horrors
“For the Jew who wants the Holocaust to be treated as absolutely unique, and not ever to be compared with other historical events, what the Holocaust means is either that the Jews themselves are absolutely unique, or that Gentiles are uniquely evil, or a combination of the two. Neither of these are options for consistent Christians.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 23
The Holocaust Hustle
“Over time, movements tend to turn into rackets. There is such a thing as the Holocaust hustle . . . But while some have a vested interest in the Holocaust’s uniqueness, there are others who have a vested interest in the opposite direction. They want to say that the Holocaust didn’t happen at all. Everywhere you go, you run into people.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 20
Letters As We Close In on Christmas
Letter to the Editor: In response to "To All the Dank Anons . . . Shall We See You Anon?"Having in my life been kicked out of two careers over the issue of the gay agenda and my refusal to ...
Let’s Follow the Pauline Plan
“We are actually talking about the blessings of Deuteronomy coming to the Gentile nations that have received the Messiah of the Jews. These Gentile nations will consequently become the head, and not the tail, and Paul knew that this was a strategy that would actually work on his people. Carping envy from Gentiles only reinforces Jewish unbelief. It feeds and nourishes Jewish unbelief. It is a central complicating part of the problem of Jewish unbelief.”
American Milk and Honey, pp. 17-18
To All the Dank Anons . . . Shall We See You Anon?
Introduction: Some of the recent online polemical disputes and such have raised the question of anonymous battle-bot accounts (or anons, for short). Let's think about it for a moment, shall we? What ...
Which Would Then Be Another Form of Superiority
“Now if the dogma of egalitarianism has you by the throat, when confronted with hard statistics like this, you only explanation is that the Jews must be cheating.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 14
Outsized in Both Directions
“What antisemites want to do is point to the outsized Jewish involvement in things that really are nefarious, or in things considered by them to be nefarious. What they overlook is outsized Jewish involvement in things that are helpful, wholesome, and good.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 12