There is obviously much more to say on this latest video from CMP, but it will have to wait a day or so. Another issue is pressing, which I hope to address in the morning. In the meantime, remember that the center of this atrocity does need to be against the law. But much of what they are doing, already against the law, ignores the law with impunity.
Have 'Em Delivered
Write to the Editor
I posted this on 50 livers a week; it is relevant here.
A man who epitomizes “the banality of evil” Senate Majority Mitch McConnell has just stated that defunding PP is not worth a fight over shutting down the Federal Government.
“the center [I read that as abortion itself] of this atrocity does need to be against the law [which I read as saying that abortion is not illegal now but ought to be]. But much of what they are doing, already against the law, ignores the law with impunity.”
Yes! Alter/timing/mean/method (that’s the g-1 part) is already illegal. Collecting more than the expenses (that’s the g-2 part) is already illegal.
They don’t care.
They will get away with it.
The U.S. Congress will continue to fund their evil.
You will ruffle your papers and harrumph “The law! g-1, e-23! but, but, but…z-99!!!!!!”
And they will laugh at you.
The PRESENT Congress? “Laugh” – – in public, anyway – – is too strong. More like “How can we pacify the rubes while keeping business as usual?”
That’s why getting a real R and flipping more seats our way is helpful in moving society more in the direction Pastor Doug wishes.
Whisper to me the most important features of a “real R”? I’ve been researching and scouring the candidates’ views on, not just what they say from the “faith circle” or issues in general, but…shhh…don’t tell anybody, even more so at their views on SCOTUS rulings and the like. Maybe I have it backwards. I wouldn’t know these days any more. “We’re all made here” :) And as I consider and try to walk across Niagara Falls sometimes and figure out different ways of looking at all this: How long is voting an R (even if not so real) useful “just… Read more »
Given the current crop, in no particular order, and I may not recall all 17 of them (18 if Romney tries a comeback), but I think Walker, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Santorum, Perry, perhaps Rubio?, would be a great improvement. Jeb!-nesty, Grahamnesty, or Christie would all be megadisasters (in secular terms). Sorry, Trumpsters, but he’d be a disaster, too. Not that I think he’ll be either the nominee or prez, although he could well ensure the D wins. I’m looking for a larger fleet, more F-22s, and a bigger Army. Less regulation. A LOT less. Much smaller EPA, no Corps jurisdiction… Read more »
We’re not voting our way out of this.
It’s going to take a Crusade.
The Crusades were not a prayer circle.
If I’m at Gettysburg, on THIS question – – the clerk in KY – – I’ll be wearing Blue. NOT on the rest of their agenda, not on harvesting parts “above and below,” not on Lois Lerner and all she stands for.
But I’m not seeing ANY of these issues as justifying another Gettysburg. I have more faith in my fellow Americans than that. We make our case; we work within the system.
What god does “the system” proclaim its allegiance to? Why should we try to work within it a moment longer than we have to?
Two questions; two answers, and then I’ll be off the board until after supper. 1. What God does “the system” have? Ans: It doesn’t have one. It isn’t SUPPOSED to have one. It’s instead a method to allow multiple peoples of varying faiths, and varying degrees of faith, to peacefully resolve their differences. America is NOT a place. It’s an idea. We were the first country to be designed, at least consciously, by humans. Yes, Christian ideals were the platform upon which the country was built. But it was NOT built as a Christian state. Jews were welcome, as were… Read more »
You are correct, the USA is not a place, nor is it a Christian government; it’s a formally atheist totalitarian state that elevates sodomy and abortion as its some of its highest principles. The god of the system is Moloch. Since it does not honour God or give thanks to him, it is the duty of Christians to oppose it completely; peacefully when possible, violently when not. Your claim about being able to “peacefully resolve their differences” is falsified by the USA’s violent origins and its conquest of the southern states. Bringing up the idea of “militarily conquer[ing] everyone else… Read more »
Sounds defeatist to me. God didn’t tell us to fight but stop if we thought it would do no good. Regardless of how debased we perceive our current Congress and POTUS to be, we still must press on and pray that God will soften their hearts.
timothy isn’t saying we should *stop* fighting, he’s saying we should reassess *who* and *how* we fight.
I pray for this.
Thoughts on this (an update?) per DOJ backing PP in Lousiana/Medicaid/defunding controversy?
And per Mere Christian’s comment…what should a Lesser Magistrate believe HE should be doing about this and do it now? Shoot them and shout “goddamn America”? That’s less laughable?
Haven’t looked into Medicaid; for all I know DOJ might be correct as a matter of secular law.
Somebody asked where the latest video is; #9 is at:
********REMINDER********* Healthcare Share Ministries is one way you can fight back TODAY!! Stop funding the insurance companies that fund abortions!!!!!!!!!!!! Make the leap, you can do it!! They are awesome!!!!