Ladling Contumely

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“Any process that could conceivably result in Steve Wilkins being forced out of the PCA for ‘heterodox views,’ as this process certainly could, without Steve ever having a full, complete, open and honorable trial, with a presumption of innocence, is a process that deserves to have honest men everywhere ladle piping hot contumely over the top of its pointy little head. If this kind of vigorous response makes folks feel uncomfortable, then they should stop defending the indefensible. As one commenter on this blog put it, when sorting out a conflict among the kids, what do we think when one child says, ‘It all started when he hit me back’? Folks who want me to shut up about the PCA sure aren’t acting like they want me to shut up about the PCA” ().

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 580