Logos Teacher Training. Still at It After All These Years.

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So it is hard to believe, but we have been hosting summer training for teachers in classical Christian schools for 27 years now. If you would like join us this summer (or join us again this summer), we would be most pleased. This is training for teachers, administrators, and board members. Whether you’re new to the world of classical Christian education or a seasoned veteran, this training is, to use a phrase from Cicero, the butterfly’s boots.

We try to equip you with training that is specific to the work you are called to do. We want our summer training sessions to be a great encouragement to you as you network with others who are laboring in the same vineyard, and facing the same challenges that you are. We want you to be refreshed as you are reminded of the difference you can make as a classical Christian educator.  

There will be two plenary sessions a day. I will be speaking, as will Matt Whitling, and others. There will be over fifty workshop offerings, with tracks that are geared to different aspects of our educational task—say, grammar stage teachers (elementary), or logic and rhetoric stage teachers (secondary), or administrators, or board members. You can stick to your groove (sorry, track), or you can mix and match.

Then we have a new thing going on this year, which is the pre-conference. This is a one-day boot camp intensive, again, geared to various tracks.

These are offerings on tap for that. There will be an Admin Book Camp, where administrators and board members will get a quick grasp of core administrative responsibilities and functions. Then there will be a Latin Boot Camp, which will be a crash course on the basics of the language for new Latin teachers, or more experienced teachers who want to add some of the fundamentals to their tool box. After that, we are offering a Logic Boot Camp. This offers the basics of logic in a day for new logic teachers, or for those who want to integrate the principles of logic into their teaching of other subjects. And last, we are offering an intensive on Christian Culture and Worldview. Any teacher can benefit from getting a stronger grip on the key principles of culture and worldview. This is a key emphasis—many classical and Christian schools have been compromised through neglect of it.

And of course, for more details on the conference schedule, you may visit our website.