A Father Transplant

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“When God changes the ‘nature’ of a human being, what he is doing is providing a father transplant. When God changes me in regeneration, what He is doing is turning me into a human being. Prior to that moment, I was not a static, spatially bound human being, sitting there like a triangle with three sides. Rather, I was a disintegrating human being. I was created in the image of God, but parts were falling off. This is because of the temporal aspect of who I was. I was by nature an object of wrath, which means that I was in the process of circling the drain of damnation. I was headed somewhere bad, and I was headed there because the devil was my father. So was Cain. So was Belial. That whole bad business was temporal and relational. In effectual call regeneration, that fundamental identity (who my father is) is transformed. This transformation is entirely relational. So I am talking about who’s-your-daddy nature, not triangles-have-three-sides nature.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 834