Okay, a Lot of Air Freshener Then

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“Just as, in the South, you can say anything you want about anybody, just as long as you add the little exculpatory tag, ‘Bless his heart,’ (He’s a lying skunk, bless his heart), so in Christian circles, you can come sneeveling around with slanderous accusations circulated by anonymous and lying cowards, just as long as you say something suitably pious as an attachment to the slander. ‘I read on covenantsludge.com that Doug Wilson has coats made for his wife out of Dalmatian puppies, but we must always remember to pray for him even as we report this to the saints, with grief in our hearts, considering ourselves lest we also be tempted.’ A little like trying to fix the problem of the dead rat behind your fridge with a little air freshener.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 579