And Like the Concrete . . .

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Warning: some normal people may find some of the contents of this point disturbing. Some well-adjusted people may want to skip this one.

But I simply want to briefly expand on a marvelous point made by Dan Phillips on Twitter, a point that deserves much wider circulation.

Liberalthink: 1. You need to have a vagina to have an opinion on women’s issues However… 2. You do not need to have a vagina to be a woman

This encapsulates why progressivism is not the future. The only thing they are progressing into is an epistemological fog that is about the same thickness as concrete that was poured about fifteen minutes ago. And like the concrete, this fog also hardens.

A significant portion of our society has fallen into gender insanity, by which I mean feminism, homosexuality, intellectual effeminacy, biology-denial, the works.

Separated by only a week, but otherwise by an almost infinite gulf, our nation’s capital first saw The Women’s March, and the March for Life second. The former was nothing less than an almost complete surrender to bitterness, madness, and death, and the latter was a glorious affirmation of life. God bless the decent people who have been marching there for almost half a century. And God bless the vice-president for addressing them today.

And God bless Donald “Jehu” Trump for sending his well-wishes and regards. He couldn’t come in person because he was busy driving his chariot somewhere.

If you doubt what I say about the madness of the Women’s March, consider who got a speaking gig at the Women’s March, what kind of attire was thought appropriate, as over on the right, and what kind of sewage came out of their mouths, see below.



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8 years ago

They are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

8 years ago
Reply to  Indigo

Probably not all ruthless…

Christopher Casey
Christopher Casey
8 years ago
Reply to  Indigo

Brainless, friendless, helpless, hopeless, unemployed in greenland.

8 years ago

I did not hire you for your brains, you hyper-Britannical land mass.

Dan Phillips
Dan Phillips
8 years ago

Thanks, Doug.

In case anyone else wants to share the tweet:

"A" dad
"A" dad
8 years ago

Proverbs 9 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) Stupidity Imitates Wisdom’s Banquet 13 The woman Stupidity is loud, gullible, and ignorant. 14 She sits at the doorway of her house. She is enthroned on the high ground of the city 15 and calls to those who pass by, those minding their own business, 16 “Whoever is gullible turn in here!” She says to a person without sense, 17 “Stolen waters are sweet, and food eaten in secret is tasty.” 18 But he does not know that the souls of the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of hell.… Read more »

8 years ago

“Some well-adjusted people may want to skip this one.”

Where pray tell, would those people be?

8 years ago
Reply to  ME

Definitely not in the comment section here.

Jonathan David White
Jonathan David White
8 years ago
Reply to  ME

Yeah. Obviously, they’re not here, ’cause they’re busy skippin’.

8 years ago

Well, at least we’ve got some time for this fervor to simmer down before Trick-Or-Treaters show up at the door again.

Christian Histo
Christian Histo
8 years ago

Women are obviously oppressed in our society. Think about it: – They have lower life expectancies – They are forced to go to work while men always have the option of staying home with the kids if they want – If there is a strange noise coming from downstairs in the middle of the night, women have to go down stairs and check it out while men, of course, hide in the bedroom. – When war comes, who do we send to die? The women. Of course. While the men “help” back at home by taking care of the kids… Read more »

Melody Unruh
Melody Unruh
8 years ago

Upon my arrival at the Los Angeles Metro station last Saturday I found myself surrounded by the culture of death. The march had just ended and everyone needed to use the restroom. I was trying to make a train connection and was forced to wait behind at least 50 pink hats. Though no one said anything to me, I felt threatened in such an environment. I was so angry – I had to ask the Lord to remind me that He died for them just as He had died for me. The darkness was thick.

Melody Unruh
Melody Unruh
8 years ago

Imagine a march of men wearing their apparatus on their heads and saying the same kind of things in reverse. All hell would break loose!

8 years ago
Reply to  Melody Unruh

LOL! I would look at them and think, those poor creatures! I wonder what happened to them? Lead poisoning? Hormonal imbalance? Genetically modified crops?

In the end you run out of explanations and you start to to realize there are supernatural forces at play here. The people themselves are just collateral damage, victims in a war we can’t even see. (All except the one who tortured and murdered a guy, she’s not a victim, but she is the end result of feminist ideology. It ends in death every time.)

Jonathan David White
Jonathan David White
8 years ago

Regarding the WFB video: ‘Cause all kids everywhere watch C-SPAN, unsupervised. Right?

8 years ago

‘Cause it hasn’t been shared all over the place, right?

8 years ago

It’s really hard on me, the kids are grown so free to watch CNN if they want. And social media, office gossip, etc, and I really see the impact it has on them. Is America fascist now? Have the Nazis seized power? Or omg, we have to march, I just heard Trump has revoked the 19th amendment! It’s tragic and somewhat comical, and they do generally calm down, but that is what most of the world is dealing with, this relentless assault on their anxiety and panic buttons. Kids, even though we try to shelter them, have been shown to… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  ME

Yup, America has gone fascist; but, Trump seems to be trying to reclaim it.

Ginny Yeager
Ginny Yeager
8 years ago

Can we all just agree to stop watching/reading/clicking the MSM? Their bias and “fakeness” has long since been established and reading their spin puts non-progressives in a CONSTANT defensive posture instead of an offensive one. Their only purpose at present is to curtail any true abuses of power by the Trump administration.

"A" dad
"A" dad
8 years ago
Reply to  Ginny Yeager

‘Never had cable. Stopped watching the msm a long time ago.
The only value the msm presents now, is comedic value! ; – )

And boy are they good at it!

8 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

Despite Canadian Trudeau’s best efforts to placate Muslims, accepting refugees that Trump rejected … it was still somehow possible for gunmen to shoot up a mosque yelling, allahu akbar!

This story on was freerepublic dot com, posting one of Israel National News’ articles about 2 hours before FoxNews, which gave the above mentioned allahu akbar connection. Apparently, Trudeau was not willing to release this info but word got out after witnesses talked to the right (media) unsuppressors.

FreeRepublic doesn’t have the cool motion pictures FoxNews or other cable/network news have, but easily makes up for it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ginny Yeager

Television news is stupid in general. But when you say “stop watching/reading/clicking”, I assume you’re talking about no longer reading newspapers or their online presence either? And you’ll replace that with…ideologically driven pseudo-papers, usually without resources for their own journalism, who typically recycle whatever they learn about the day’s events from the MSM and then offer their own twist on it? Or something else? Who do you know of who has the best resources to do their own journalism, yet is not part of the mainstream media? Take everything with a grain of salt, get a lot of different perspectives,… Read more »

Ginny Yeager
Ginny Yeager
8 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Well, Jonathan, speaking anecdotally here, when Benghazi was attacked, I was sitting in a hotel room grading Latin papers and writing lesson plans with the network news on for company, waiting until my husband’s meetings were over and we could explore Chicago together. For three days following the attack, no one and I mean NO ONE except Fox News was reporting anything other than the red herring that team Clinton/Obama put out about the spontaneous demonstrations to a video (which, if you have seen, you know is completely lame). UN meetings 2015 (under a blood moon no less) and I’m… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Ginny Yeager

Yeah, the fact that you differentiate Fox News from the Mainstream Media is absolutely ridiculous. Fox News is absolutely nothing but MSNBC with different political masters. You like their political posturing, but there isn’t the slightest thing more accurate about their news. And besides that, nearly everyone else you named is a pundit, not a reporter. They’re not getting news or reporting news, they’re putting their own political spin on news that comes out. Hannity, seriously? As far as the list of incidents, there is so much ridiculous falsehoods and half-truths there that I’m not going to waste my time… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

As an alternative to MSM, see my above post to “A” dad regarding freerepublic dot com just a few comments (close to the beginning of this specific comment thread).

Ginny Yeager
Ginny Yeager
8 years ago
Reply to  Antecho


8 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

What you’re doing is similar to hindsight bias. Sure, you can Google and find counterexamples months later. That’s not her point. She’s saying that if you watch the MSM networks, or follow major headlines on Yahoo, CNN, etc., they are most definitely slanted. During major events, they all take similar positions. And the hoi polloi won’t go looking for alternative explanations. This is mitigated a bit online because many sites know what stories/websites you like to visit. But if you stick with the major news outlets and popular stories, that’s all you see. And TV news isn’t smart enough to… Read more »

Ginny Yeager
Ginny Yeager
8 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Wow, Jonathan, why so hostile?
Honestly, for 3 mornings while doing the mind-numbing grading, I flipped thru CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS and didn’t hear a word one about a possible terrorist attack.
No ax to grind here.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ginny Yeager

Ginny, by similar reasoning I also like Fox News better than any other cable/network news on TV. But, the best I’ve seen is not on TV, but on freerepublic dot com. It’s not uncommon for stories to break there before Fox reporters get the clearance to mention them. For instance, see my comment to “A” dad who first responded to you toward the origin of this MSM/news thread.

8 years ago

Well no one actually believes 1, so I think liberals dodged the bullet here.

8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Heh. Try offering your manly opinion on women’s issues in the presence of a declared feminist.

If you’re lucky, you will merely shouted out for mansplaining.

8 years ago
Reply to  Arwenb

Men give their opinions on “women’s issues” all the time without incident. I stand by my assertion.

8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Fair enough. Did any of those opinions disagree with what the feminist’s opinion was?

8 years ago

Christian pastors be like
Men need to e servant leaders and submit to these Godless women….
