Eating the Cross

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The cross of Jesus Christ attracts those chosen by God, and that same cross repels those who are perishing. The words of life are delicious to those who are being saved, and they are repulsive to those who rest in their own wisdom.

In His discussion of His body and blood, the Lord Jesus scatters the worldly wise. He gives an affront to those who want to reign over a religion that makes sense to them. His cross attracts — drawing all men to Himself. His cross repels those who are perishing. Preaching the cross calls out the elect. Preaching the cross offends the sophisticates of this world. Eating the cross, which is what we do here, nourishes the people of God. The idea of eating the cross is repellent to those who insist on separation from the people of God.

In the years since Jesus spoke these words, many have avoided this Supper in just this way. They stay away, and there is no mystery about their rebellion.

But there is another way to run from the Supper. This is to cling to the outward forms of it, while teaching or countenancing lies concerning it. One lie is that Jesus Christ is sacrificed over and over again. But another lie, much more common among evangelicals, is that our Lord does not nourish His people in any special way—the elements of the Supper do not present Christ to us so that we might respond to Him in faith. But the Supper does do this, and so we must take and eat with the mouth of faith. Not faith in bread. Not faith in wine. Faith in God, and in His Christ.

So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.

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David C Decket
David C Decket
8 years ago