Satire As Prophecy

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“We are Bible people, and we name our churches Bible churches, and we go to Bible studies, although Bibles are increasingly rare at them, and our holy hardware stores make megabucks selling study Bibles for ‘whatever ails ya.’ But the problem with making up titles of such Bible versions to illustrate a point here is that no matter how absurd I get, there is no doubt someone out there doing something comparable ‘for real.’ These are difficult days to be a satirist. But I will do my best anyhow. And so we have study Bibles for owners of King Charles cocker spaniels, study Bibles for litigious OPC pastors, study Bibles for the skateboarding youth of today, and study Bibles for Third Wives of Promise Keepers” (A Serrated Edge, p. 78).

Important historical note: the title of this post was inspired by two recent fulfillments of inadvertant satiric prophecies in Credenda — a Veggie Tales Lord of the Rings, and nudey Bible pictures for a calendar put out by a church youth group. Although to be frank, the satire prophecy fulfilled by the second one actually predicted topless photos in a study Bible for teen-aged boys. So some may have to adjust their hermeneutic.

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