Bug Hunt

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Okay, we have rolled over to our new format, for the most part. Like I said, some of you are not reading this because you live in a rural part of Internetistan, and all you can hear are the crickets. But in a day or so you will come over and you can catch up then.


In the meantime, I want to send the rest of you over to my daughter’s post at Femina again. This is for several reasons. First, I need the practice on how to link to things in this brand new world. Second, if you follow the links in the comments there, they will take you to some froth like what happens when you pour beer the wrong way. Yikes. And last, I would only add my comment to it all — the central attraction in all ecclesiastical pageantry and circus-horsing is the lure and tug of self-importance, and the baking soda of self-importance does not react very well when some merry soul pours the vinegar of laughter on it.


If you are a registered user, try commenting here. We are on a bug hunt.

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