If you are a teacher, and you have your wits about you, you might want to consider attending the Logos Teacher Training Conference this summer. This is our 30th year of operating. The conference is June 25-26, and with a pre-conference on the. 24th.

I have the privilege of speaking there, and will be joined by Matt Whitling, Dr. Joe Rigney, and Dr. Jared Longshore. Each day will have 2 plenary sessions and 4 workshop options. There will be over 70 workshop options in various areas—tracks for admin, grammar, logic, and rhetoric.
And this is the fourth year we have been offering the pre-conference—Admin Boot Camp, Latin Boot Camp, Logic Boot Camp, Rhetoric Boot Camp, Worldview and Culture, and a new Teaching Practicum with Dr. Schlect.
If you want more information—and who doesn’t?—you can click here, or look for the banner ad up above and click through that way.