Introduction: In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the flush of that spectacular victory provided an opportunity for the secularists to make their move—and make it they most certainly ...
Quicksilver Evangelism
Acts of the Apostles (18): Sermon Video Introduction: The early church father Tertullian once famously said that the “blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.” This aphorism has ...
A Bloody Crew
“They are carnal, of the flesh, worldly. They are of their father the devil. And the number that belongs in this category is too great to itemize, although we can mention a few—Caiaphas and his crew, Tomas de Torquemada, Saul before his conversion, Bloody Mary, numerous medieval managers of pogroms, Himmler as the architect of the Final Solution, the incipient totalitarianism of Herbert Marcuse and his doctrine of repressive tolerance, and of course, Stalin. There is a long chain of other names, but to mention them all would soon become morbid.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 87
From the World’s Footings
“I pray that Your Spirit would unveil things hidden,
Hidden from man since the world’s first foundation.”
21 Prayers, p. 16
One Way to Look at It
Don’t Turn Into That
“The New Testament warning, delivered to the Gentiles, is [to] not become like your persecutors. Do not turn into your adversary. If you turn into what you hate, it indicates you only thought you hated their sleek arrogance of power. You didn’t hate it—you envied it.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 84
Bleeding Authority
“Use this worship service, I pray, I beseech You
To unmask all falsehood by Your Word of authority,
Authority that bleeds from the side of the gospel.
I pray that the word of Your gospel would reign.”
21 Prayers, p. 14
Content Cluster Muster [1-23-25]
Like Us With Spaghetti: Does It Make You Wonder What He Said . . .?: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Yeah, You Have to Watch Those Guys: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Alexei Zaitsev Featured Product: Concise and to the Point:Over the years I have had occasion to assemble various statements or declarations, or …
Work in Us Now
“I pray that the text this morning would be
Immediate, forceful, and present to all.
Work in us now Your mysterious grace.”
21 Prayers, p. 11
The Principle of Pursuit, the Trump Reprieve, and the Place of New St. Andrews in All of This
Introduction: In the history of warfare, many a victory has been thrown away through a failure to pursue. Sometimes the victory has been thrown away entirely and other times the victor has settled ...