“We simply deny that merit can be extracted from a virtuous act and stored on shelves.”
Letters On the Very Threshold of November
Letter to the Editor: Can you recommend any good resources-books or video series-for learning church history from a Protestant point of view? Thank you and God bless. Ryan ...
The Westminster Standards, That Is
“He tries to justify this by some kind of discussion of Galatians, but I don’t know why he is messing around with that when we have the Standards.”
Did Jesus Trust God or Not?
“Was Christ’s obedience faithless or not? Now I agree that Christ’s obedience was imputed to us, but where did this obedience come from? Did Jesus gut it out for us on a works principle, or was His obedience grounded in His absolute trust in His Father? The answer is simple. It was perfect obedience, right? That meant that it was not grounded in the actions of the first successful Pelagian.”
The Little Drummer Boy Responds to Denny Burk
Introduction: The elders of Kenwood Baptist in Louisville recently publicized three classes taught at their church by Jim Hamilton and Denny Burk, the point of which was to warn their members ...
The Word of No Condemnation
Sermon Video Introduction: As we mark and celebrate the great work of the Spirit that we call the Protestant Reformation, we need to be mindful of remembering two things. The first is that we ...
Obedience, Not Merit
“When Christ came into the world, He came to do the will of His Father. He obeyed. He was promised the nations of men, and He gloriously fulfilled the conditions attached to that promise. So in discussing this, words like promise, blessing, obedience, submission are straight out of the Bible, and we should stick to them. Merit isn’t one of those words, and the sooner we get this gum off our Reformed shoe the better.”
No, No, That Was My Point
“In this kind of debate, unless everybody involved watches his step closely, things can get pretty stupid—like a couple of dogs, neither of them very smart, debating quantum physics. ‘No! Arf, arf.’”
Content Cluster Muster [10-26-23]
Go With It: Click on the Image: Open Road: Always more here. “If the gospel would touch their lives, the whole structure of life would be transformed.”: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Follow the Argument: I Hate It When This Happens: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Emil Ciubotaru Kay Polk Featured Product: 21 Prayers …