Did Jesus Trust God or Not?

“Was Christ’s obedience faithless or not? Now I agree that Christ’s obedience was imputed to us, but where did this obedience come from? Did Jesus gut it out for us on a works principle, or was His obedience grounded in His absolute trust in His Father? The answer is simple. It was perfect obedience, right? That meant that it was not grounded in the actions of the first successful Pelagian.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 297

Obedience, Not Merit

“When Christ came into the world, He came to do the will of His Father. He obeyed. He was promised the nations of men, and He gloriously fulfilled the conditions attached to that promise. So in discussing this, words like promise, blessing, obedience, submission are straight out of the Bible, and we should stick to them. Merit isn’t one of those words, and the sooner we get this gum off our Reformed shoe the better.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 295

Content Cluster Muster [10-26-23]

Go With It: Click on the Image: Open Road: Always more here. “If the gospel would touch their lives, the whole structure of life would be transformed.”: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Follow the Argument: I Hate It When This Happens: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Emil Ciubotaru Kay Polk Featured Product: 21 Prayers …