Nice Shot
Open Road, More or Less
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A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
Learn to Sing Your Part
And here is some exciting news about a singing app that some good folks in our community developed. A lot of our people use it to learn their parts from the Cantus, and they are now kicking it up to the next level. Check it out.
So Then, George . . ,
HT: Samuel Cherubin
And Another Podcast Also
Featured Product
Cousin Companions 2017
This is a small collection of the exhortations I give to my grandchildren at our weekly Sabbath dinner. We have hard copies made to give to the kids each year, but I thought we could make the e-forms of the booklet available to you all here. Again, like all the other products in my shop, this is one dollar. You can select the form you want — PDF, EPUB, or Kindle.
If you bought the earlier v…
🎶 Another one bites the dust 🎶