Process Concerns

“So this is the drill. The last thing in the world that the anti-FV people want is any kind of open forum where questions get to be asked in both directions. They don’t want this in a voluntary set-up, as in a debate. They don’t want it in a judicial setting, as in an open trial. They don’t want it in a box; they don’t want it on the floor. Not in the closet either. We piped but ye would not mourn; we played the bass line from ‘Play that Funky Music White Boy,’ and ye would not dance.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 245

Election in Two Senses

“After Paul’s rhapsody at the end of Romans 8, a natural question would arise. If all this is true of the elect, then why was the elect nation of Israel trying to kill Paul? And that is why Paul does on to distinguish different kinds of election, distinguishing between the historical, contingent election of Israel, and His sovereign decretal election that reveals itself in a glorious way throughout human history, culminating at the last day . . . All Israel was elect in one sense, while those who were of Israel were elect in another. And I cannot fathom how someone who stumbles over equivocal uses of the same word like this can ever hope to interpret faithfully the teaching of someone like the apostle Paul.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles, p. 242

Content Cluster Muster [10-05-23]

Hold On: Open Road: More: Really good evaluation of the decline of the young, restless and Reformed movement. And here is a solid take on the classical Christian school movement. A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Deporting Homeschoolers?: Pray for these guys, and help out if you can. An Idea Whose Time Has …