Introduction: He does not know it, and almost certainly would never admit it, but Anthony Bradley wants to live in a world where black men can get lynched because of white women’s tears. He ...
November Epistolary Admonitions, the First Two Particularly
Letter to the Editor: From "Empathy as the Headwaters of Cruelty": "There are of course some people’s children who never paid much attention in English class, and who simply use ...
No Raw Merit
“Despite all the intramural differences in how we put things, it is distinct from a strict merit system which sees Adam as the first failed Pelagian.”
Evangelical Doctors, Coughing Up Blood
Introduction: This last week, the voters of Ohio enshrined a right to abortion in their state constitution, in what might be called Ohio's suicide note. In the heady days after the Jericho of ...
The Grace of All Forgiveness
Some have argued that baptism should be withheld from infants and children because they think it a sign, not of inclusion in Christ, but rather as a sign of ordination—as a sign of taking on the mantle of service for Christ. This would be a strong argument against infant baptism if true, but the Scriptures …
Christ as the Incense of Prayer/Psalm 141
Sermon Video Introduction: We now come to the final decade of psalms. We first began this series almost twenty years ago—when some of you young marrieds were still pre-school, and the year you ...
High in the Rockies
“I am a high Calvinist. For almost twenty years, I have been standing here well past the tree line, up amongst the boulders. I am prepared to be rebuked for lots of things but living in a semi-Pelagian swamp is not one of them. Try something else. Try something plausible.”
“For some that naïveté is a function of having decided thirty years ago to translate all discussions of theology into the metric system, just to keep life simple. If ten won’t divide into it, then it can’t be part of the dikai-word group. For others the reason for the naïveté is more obvious—graduate school is still a fresh memory. They are just out of the egg with bits of shell on their heads.”
A True Alpha
Like Annie Oakley
“Shooting reformational solas into the air is not the same thing as defending the faith.”