Content Cluster Muster [03-28-24]

Watchoo Lookin’ At?: A Modern Macedonian Call: “Come over . . . and help us.” Acts 16:9 Covenant Reformed Church (CRC) in Fairbanks, Alaska, became a CRECMission Church in August, 2015. The congregation has grown to 37covenanted members (12 households) with an average Sunday attendanceof 50 souls. Currently, the Session consists of two men from …

Nothing Ad-Libbed

“The problem with this is that synergism is frequently used by people who want God to do 90 percent, and we do the remaining 10. He carries one end of the heavy object, and we carry the other end. This is not a Calvinistic understanding at all. In Calvinistic synergy, God does one hundred percent, and I do the other one hundred percent. Shakespeare writes one hundred percent of Hamlet’s lines, and Hamlet speaks one hundred percent of Hamlet’s lines. The wrong kind of synergy has Shakespeare writing the plot of Hamlet’s life, with Hamlet ad-libbing his way through it.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 625