Letters in the Electoral Backwash

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The Election

One thing is puzzling me. Since they can rig elections, why didn’t they also rig 2024?


Jennifer, three things occur to me. One is that 2020 was coming out of COVID and a number of new election processes were adopted at the last minute, with no adequate checks. This time a number of those gaps had been filled. Also, my understanding is that there were a number of responses teams at the ready, more so than last time. And last, I think the margins were much better in a “too big to rig” sort of way. It was obvious last time, but to do the same thing again this time would have been way obvious.
Technically, Kamala Harris won 2 states with Photo Voter ID, plus 4 states that required non-Photo Voter ID, not “zero”. That said, the majority of her wins were in 13 states that require no ID at all.
Meanwhile (for completeness), Trump won 2 states without any Voter ID, 6 states with non-photo ID, and 23 states with Photo Voter ID.


Kathy, thank you. You are quite right.
I know we’ve discussed “hate God’s enemies but love your own,” and that mocking Gods enemies is acceptable. But when it comes to the leftists having absolute meltdowns, what category do they fit in?
These people are genuinely fearing for their lives, but obviously their fear is entirely misplaced and they are to some extent victims of MSM narratives.
So if I watch, share, and enjoy seeing them have meltdowns and I make fun of them to others for it, which category are they in in that moment? Watching them melt down is genuinely hilarious, but I also feel for them because they [don’t] seem to understand how deceived they are.


Seth, I actually think it is possible to do both. It is not necessarily dehumanizing them if you are actually mocking the way they are dehumanizing themselves. At the same time, I don’t think it would be healthy to make it the center of your entertainment world.
Re: Relief Mostly.
God bless you, Pastor Doug! We’re all Christian nationalists now. You would humbly demure, but take a well-deserved pat on the back for the fact that the Moscow mood has gone into much of the world. Even them “pessimistic dispensationalist” pastors were preaching like you, lighting fires under Christians to protect The Unborn by voting Trump. Ray comfort. Mark Driscoll. And our own pastor here in San Antonio Texas. Man, are my wife and I thankful for his growth in boldness, although he might still have too much winsomeness for you. Anyway, Tony Hinchcliff’s assessment at the MSG rally that “we vote in a week but God voted 3 months ago” about the Butler PA incident sure is Calvinist doctrine, isn’t it? It’s so hard for me to reconcile postmillennialism with the passage in second Timothy that in the last days evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, something mentioned in Ray Comfort’s last Living Waters video before the election. And I can’t believe . . . that most of the world will get saved, because all throughout the Bible people turn away from God, and God uses a remnant, because He can and will. So the closest I can get to your theology is that other pessimistic Dispensationalist, John MacArthur, who is at least a Calvinist. But you are my favorite preacher to follow on YouTube. And I don’t know how, but their algorithm put you in my suggested videos about 3 years ago when my favorite YouTube Pastor was that other pessimistic Dispensationalist Perry Stone, ever since we cut the cable and couldn’t follow him on TBN anymore. And he’s a happy guy. None of us are really pessimistic, but you do make me laugh when you say that.
My wife knows you’re biblically spot on in all your videos too, just like me. If I had to tell her about how postmill you are, her head might explode. Perhaps I can ease her into it if I tell her that John Cooper of Skillet is too. The light bulb went off for him after reading Francis Schaeffer. I think that’s how he told the story to your friend Tim Bushong in one of his videos about a year ago.
Cheers to you, and Nancy, and your big, happy, Jesus-loving family. Thanks for all you do to gird up the body of Christ. I pray for my family and loved ones to live 120 healthy years like Moses, if it be the Lord’s will, and I include the Wilson Clan too. I hope you won’t mind getting that old!


Gordon, thanks for such a kind letter. You cover a lot of territory.

Way More Complicated

I just wanted to ask about the dust up between Tobias Riemenschneider and Joel Webbon, and the fall out of the released video conversation that seems to be pretty damning of Tobias. Holocaust memes to the side for just a moment, the fact that Tobias said repeatedly that the member of Joel’s church should be excommunicated during their meeting on the subject, and his repeated insistence to the contrary on the original video he published seems pretty bad. You said somewhere that you were going to comment on it before the election, but either I’m dense and didn’t see that in your recent posts, or you haven’t actually responded yet. Is there an upcoming post regarding this? Will there be an apology to Joel, as you were one of the main people sharing the original video with a wider audience?


B, I am afraid that it is way more complicated than that . . . but more should be coming out shortly, and I will probably explain my role at some point. In the meantime, please know that the online imbroglio is radically misleading. I can say one thing. Pastor Tobias does believe that unrepented Jew-hate is worthy of church discipline, as do I, but he does not believe that church discipline is warranted for simply “sharing a meme.”


How do you define the drunkenness that leads to a man not inheriting the Kingdom of God?


Anon, I would define it as a persistent pattern of unrepented drunkenness.

Clearing the Record

I came across something very concerning to me concerning Dr Banshen . He was someone I would listen to often and thought he was good apologist but I recently read something concerning his daughter and his son and a legal case against him. The details are very hard to even read about. Is this true ? I really hope this didn’t happen. Can you give for information? If it is I won’t be watching anyone more of his videos . I was really devastated after reading about it . I hate gossip so this isn’t something I’m doing for attention I just want to know .
I hope this didn’t happen and he is innocent. Thank you, pastor.


Tony, you can continue to follow Greg Bahnsen’s teaching. What you are referring to was a bogus attempt at a shakedown.

Actually, No

Do you think if Jesus was pro-Christian Nationalism then He would’ve encouraged the stoning of the woman caught in adultery?


Justin, no. They caught the woman in the “very act,” and somehow managed to do this without catching the guy. The Mosaic law required the execution of both parties. Jesus therefore rejected a gross miscarriage of justice. On top of that, His mission was to seek and to save that which was lost, thus fulfilling the law, and this is something He did in her case. “Go and sin no more.”

Cultural Pacifism

Our [PCA] leadership preaches the Gospel faithfully, genuinely cares for our congregation, and I assume the best in all of them. My question is, is it problematic that the election was never addressed from the pulpit? Not once. And, more broadly, cultural issues are never addressed either. I’m no closer to being discipled in how to be a better man and husband, specifically, than when we started attending two years ago. I get almost all of that instruction from ministries like yours. But I fear other churches within our presbytery would be more of the same, and that a discussion with my pastor would simply sound like criticism and dissension—only the Lord knows how much of that he receives each week. What’s your thoughts on the long term consequences of staying within a congregation with this kind of culture? How healthy is it for my soul to get most practical instruction from Reformed thought leaders who don’t know I exist? Should I risk making a pain of myself and bringing my concerns to my pastor? Appreciate your thoughts.


Mitch, I think this is something you can ask about, but I would avoid becoming a pest. You can still worship the Lord there. I would say that the light on your dashboard should start blinking if they start preaching against Christians being engaged and involved.

On Guarding Yourself

I’ve heard you speak often about how we shouldn’t apologize for things we didn’t do, or things that weren’t wrong. I agree, that is like bearing false witness. You also often speak of, “you’ve only sinned if God thinks you’ve sinned.” Also true, God is the only one who can declare what is good and what is evil, and he is the ultimate judge.
However, I also detect a danger in this phrase. We always interpret facts and events, it’s impossible to not, and I know you share that view. So how does the knowledge and awareness of self-deception work its way into these two concepts that I listed prior? How do you have the mindset of, “don’t apologize for something that wasn’t wrong” and still account for self-deception which can be deeply inset and well practiced? How do we take into account, “the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things, who can understand it?”
May God increase you in mercy, humility, and the fear of the Lord.


Kenneth, I think you should guard yourself against this error by refusing to dismiss criticism out of hand. Don’t just assume you are right, in other words. If someone brings something to you, thank them and pray about it before responding.

Foster Care Dilemma

Happy Lords Day! My husband and I are considering foster/adopting but the agency says the state does not permit spanking children as a form of corrective discipline.
How do we go about biblical discipline without spanking ?
Thank you.


Kina, that is not something you can agree to long term. If you have a foster child short-term I don’t think you should spank anyway—you don’t know what they have just come from. But I don’t think you can agree to long-term foster care and/or adoption without all the parental tools that Scripture gives you.

529 Plans

In multiple books of yours dealing with classical christian education, you mention your concerns around Christian schools accepting education vouchers from the US Government. I understand and share your concerns. What are your views on classical Christian schools (or even Christian homeschooling families) using 529 plans for their children’s education?


Brandon, I make a distinction between the government giving you somebody else’s money, on the one hand, and the government letting you keep your own money, on the other. You want to be careful with the latter, but I don’t think it is unbiblical.

A Corresponding Phrase?

I have a young daughter and a younger son. As soon as he’s old enough to speak, I plan to teach my son that masculinity is the glad assumption of sacrificial responsibility. Have you ever defined femininity in five words or less? If not, might I recommend you try below my thanks?


Austin, femininity is the warm response to sacrificial responsibility.


Yes, and amen. Empathy turns compassion into an accomplice.


Todd, yes. That’s a great way to put it.
Phew, for a moment there I thought you were talking to me.
It’s amazing how some men get categorized as unsympathetic or “mean” but when the trouble really gets going, for some reason it’s the “mean” guys that are called in to help. All the “strong, compassionate” “men” are left on the sidelines as the useless sort they are.
Good reminder to be seekers of truth in love and not forget you won’t have one without the other.
“Wimpathy” is a good word, I expect it will have some legs. I, for one, will steal it.


Roger, thanks. It is not stealing if it is given away. The word was suggested to me by an astute parishioner.


I have a couple of questions, both regarding the subject of Universalism.
What is your response to the Universalist argument that Romans 5:17-18 says that all people will ultimately be saved, and that Hell is only a temporary state prior to entering Heaven for those who aren’t saved in this life?
What is your response to the argument that the word αἰώνιος, which in English translations is rendered as eternal in passages such as Matt. 25:46, actually should be understood as a limited period of time?
Thank you,


Andrew, I would say that Romans 5 is talking about Christ as a second Adam. The “alls” being referred to there would be short for “all descendants.” When we are talking about Adams, we are talking about descendants, of necessity. All who are in the first Adam are condemned. All who are in the second Adam are saved from that condemnation. And as far as the limited period of time goes, I am afraid that it proves too much. The same word is used for eternal life in that same verse. Are we to be in Heaven for a “limited period of time?” It would not seem so.

Searching for a Church Home

Not connected to any post, just a general query. I recently moved from Texas to Iowa (Waukee to be specific), and I am now going through the beautiful and frustrating process of finding a church home. Do you know of any churches in the area and be willing to offer any suggestions?


Tyler, I don’t, but this is the kind of thing we crowd source. Anybody out there have any suggestions for Tyler?

In the Midst of Blue Ruin

Hello. I just watched the post of Blue Ruin . . .Thank you so much for sharing the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was so helpful for me. I appreciate how you knit together the Scriptures from Old to New Testament to argue that the gospel is not a new idea. The Lord Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the only one who can save me and our nation. So thankful.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and your family,


Valerie, thank you, and thank the Lord.

Alphabetty Issues

In regards to no particular post . . .
Doug, I grow weary of Christians playing the silly letter game (LGBTQIA+++) to describe perverts. I don’t use it but have yet to settle on a good substitute. Even “alphabet people” still feels like capitulation.
You gave us “same-sex mirage” years ago and it has been invaluable. Any thoughts on this?


M, I try to avoid words like marriage, or LGBTQ+ community, but I don’t mind the letters. It has opened up opportunities for BLT and NATO jokes.

Poured Out Before God

It was a joy to worship with, fellowship with, and be taught by you at FLF 2024 this past weekend. I hope your travels back home were without headache.
I like to be a steady reader to keep my mind engaged and my spirit armed with truth that can bless both my walk with the Lord as well as others. I have some resources that have been given to me to help those who find themselves struggling with anger towards God. In one chapter, this author uses Psalms like chapter 44, where the psalmist lifts up many complaints against God, even accusing Him of forsaking His people. The point the author of the book is making is that it is okay for us to lift up seemingly angry, accusatory, and even heretical prayers up to Him in a time of trouble. I quote:
“God knew that sometimes heresy… makes better sense of life, seemingly, than truth. Psalm 44 tells us that we don’t have to hide from tension.”
So . . . I see the logic. It is true, yes, that the Psalms sometimes can make some lose their breath with their occasional boldness, but I cannot help but really pause at this wording. Should I throw this book out and go no further? Or am I struggling with the unbelief/am I truncating Scripture in my own mind?


Colten, I think this is a legitimate point, but only so long as he urges the person to pray through to the end of the psalm. Yes, there are complaints laid before the Lord, but the psalms also teach us to “land it.”

Early Discipline

My question is twofold. I’ll state the questions and then provide elaboration:
What age do you suggest beginning to spank a child? And second, before that age comes, should any form of discipline be applied to babies?
I have read your book on child-rearing and was greatly encouraged by it. You did not mention the general age at which children should begin to receive corporal discipline from their parents. Some books I have read suggest as early as 8 months, while friends have said that between age 1 and 2, “something changes.” My 9 month old is certainly showing defiance in resisting diaper changes or when some desired object is taken from him. But his frame is so small, I seriously doubt he would learn anything from a spanking at this age. At the same time, I do not want to wait too late.
As for the second question, I’ve heard you apply the discipline principle to sleep training. What other areas does this apply to before the spankings commence?
Thanks for your ministry and for reading my question.


L, I would say that spankings usually would commence some time after the child is mobile, a year old or a little after. Before that, you need to address things like biting while nursing, or fighting on the changing table, should be addressed with “a flick.” As for your second question, most of that energy will be spent on sleep and food.

Tomboy Innocence

I hope you are doing well. I’m reading through Little Women right now, for the first time! I am curious, I understand that Jo is more of a tomboyish character, who goes through her own character transformation throughout the story. In our rather wacky day, I can only assume the LGBTLMNOP folks want to declare that Jo “identifies with the opposite gender.” How would you word a response to these possible objections?


O, I would say that we have always had tomboys, but that we were never confused by them until just recently.

Recommendations on Raising Daughters

I’ve really enjoyed and appreciated the book and docuseries Future Men. In raising daughters as future women, however, what book(s) would you recommend?


Casey, my wife Nancy is currently working on Future Women. In the meantime, I think you can get a lot of worthwhile information from Barbara Mouser’s book Five Aspects of Woman.
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David Anderson
3 months ago

That “they” could rig an election when not in power, but then fail to do it when in power, needs something more solid behind it than some ad-hoc hand-waving. (Or if not, should just remain in the realm of someone’s private ponderings). If the special circumstances of Covid can explain this, then one could also discuss how we know that the special circumstances of Covid and consequently massively increased postal voting didn’t lead to a higher turnout and more dissatisfied people motivated to vote against incumbents, as dissatisfied people have tended to do in elections throughout space and time. If… Read more »

Justin Parris
Justin Parris
3 months ago
Reply to  David Anderson

“That “they” could rig an election when not in power, but then fail to do it when in power, needs something more solid behind it than some ad-hoc hand-waving. “ Not really? Elections are not Federally managed. Being “In power” in the White House means very very little in terms of one’s ability to cheat an individual state’s votes. The power we’re really talking about are hundreds to thousands of middle management positions across the country, positions which no one paid much attention to prior to the 2020 election which now receive absurd amounts of attention. The Trump team coordinated a… Read more »

David Anderson
3 months ago
Reply to  Justin Parris

It’s not incumbent upon me to state anything either way about the security of either election, because I’m not making an argument.
I’m pointing out the weaknesses in the arguments that people who are making claims.

Justin Parris
Justin Parris
3 months ago
Reply to  David Anderson

This is not a coherent answer to my post. If you just want to admit that you have no answer to basic questions such as:

Do you think this sequence of events implies that cheating did happen in the past, or that it didn’t?”

Then have the courage to admit so. The overwhelming supermajority of my post is a directly rebuttal to what you did argue, not a demand to argue what you didn’t. Gaslighting won’t get you anywhere.

John Middleton
John Middleton
3 months ago
Reply to  David Anderson

As you know, you can’t reason a man out of a position reason didn’t get him in to. You’d think, among other things, it would be moot at this point anyway and Doug would just eat his birthday cake and be happy. However, having early, eagerly, and openly latched on to the notion, but really knowing all the arguments made for it are spurious, he has to keep looking for better ones; keep looking for a way to have been right. Doug, let it go and stop spoiling otherwise good essays with conspiracy theory silliness. Quietly imagine yourself to have… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  John Middleton

Doug is in his sundowning era. Let him cook.

Justin Parris
Justin Parris
3 months ago
Reply to  John Middleton

The argument “Your claim for which evidence is impossible has no evidence to support it” will never be worth the time it takes to read. You should really stop trying it.

That a purely speculative idea lacks evidence is a wonderful defense in a court of law. Its a lousy defense in a casual conversation. Doug knows its speculative. Pointing that out doesn’t progress the conversation. Attaching larger and more grandiose terms to make the speculation sound less reasonable doesn’t change the substance of your tautology.

John Middleton
John Middleton
3 months ago
Reply to  Justin Parris

I don’t know what are big words to you, and I also have not gotten the impression Doug thinks the idea is purely speculative. In any case, there is evidence or there is not and since there is not, progressing conversation over it is the opposite of what I want to do.

Justin Parris
Justin Parris
3 months ago
Reply to  John Middleton

I don’t know what are big words to you,”

Relative to the statement being made. A full paragraph that says no more than “you have no evidence for your speculation”, a point which is inherently true all the time of all speculation everywhere, will always be too much.

“progressing conversation over it is the opposite of what I want to do.”

Then why waste time in a conversation you claim you do not wish to have? If you don’t want to talk, don’t. If you do want to talk, say something, anything of substance.

David Anderson
3 months ago
Reply to  Justin Parris

Public representatives of the church of Jesus Christ demean their office by strongly asserting their speculative ideas about controversial topics out loud.

Justin Parris
Justin Parris
3 months ago
Reply to  David Anderson

According to what standard? The Bible’s? Go ahead and cite your verse. According to you? Why should anyone care about your purely arbitrary standard?

You *are* making an argument here clearly, so go ahead and make your case.

3 months ago
Reply to  David Anderson

The evidence is overwhelming and absolute that there was huge cheating going on in 2020. I was quite surprised also that they weren’t able to cheat like that this year, and I do think it’s good to explore why. I think Doug gave some good reasons, and more could probably be given. I just praise the Lord that something was done and worked to stop it at that level this year.

David Anderson
3 months ago
Reply to  Lance

If you think that Doug has presented “overwhelming and absolute” evidence then you understand neither basic principles of handling statistics nor how to present it graphically, nor evidence in general.. It’s a field of study with basic rules and principles that are well known.
Anyone who has learned basics of that field will just find what Doug has posted either embarrassing if they were previously inclined to be sympathetic towards him, or confirmation of their previous suspicions, if they weren’t. Neither of those is something that a pastor of a church of Jesus Christ should be content with.

3 months ago
Reply to  David Anderson

Doug just watches Fox News drunk like any good grandpa nowadays and repeats what he hears.

3 months ago
Reply to  Lance

The evidence what overwhelming, like in AZ where they burned millions recounting Trumps loss?

Interesting nobody here is bringing up how Bush’s first was absolutely stolen with the help of the Supreme Court appointments by his pappy and state governed by his brother.

Last edited 3 months ago by Chris
J. J. Griffing
J. J. Griffing
3 months ago
Reply to  Chris

I think the most overwhelming evidence here is that you’re making a buffet-plate of election-conspiracy theories you like, and dismissing those as “baseless” and “without evidence” that you do not. Asserting that the Rehnquist-led SCOTUS “absolutely stole” Al Gore’s victory in 2000 but that there’s “no evidence” for supposing state-level Democrat operations stole Trump’s victory in 2020 (when dozens of avenues of fraud and irregularity have been parsed and sifted, both with video evidence and personal testimony, either as fully-possible or even “thus ’twas done,” for the entire past four years, just not until recently admitted into a court of… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Joshua Griffing
3 months ago
Reply to  J. J. Griffing

Lolol, conveniently forgets about AZ and doesn’t respond to it. What a goofy brain you got up there 🤡

James in Austin
James in Austin
3 months ago
Reply to  David Anderson

Yeah, I’m not a fan of speculation without any evidence being equated with and as valid as certainty. At some point, one becomes that conspiracy theorist with the tin foil hat who won’t leave the basement. Multiple conservative judges said there was no evidence of election tampering, at least not at the level that would have thrown an election the other way. 2020 was not a normal year. It was a period of mass hysteria caused by a virus that turned everyone into fearful hermits (understandably so at first, I’d suggest). Everyone lost perspective. A few bad incidents involving the… Read more »

3 months ago

Re: Tyler in Iowa: my son and family live in Des Moines and attend a CREC church in Pella, Iowa. It’s about a 50 min drive east, however, so (apparently) even further from Waukee. Understandable if that’s too far for a church home, but you might keep an eye on their conferences, gatherings etc.

Last edited 3 months ago by Tom
Trey Allemang
Trey Allemang
3 months ago
Reply to  Tom

Tyler, my wife, daughter and I are in the process of joining Christ the Redeemer church in Pella. My daughter is relocating there. If you visit, we would love to have you over (in Pella) after worship to get acquainted. We have been driving from Kirksville, Missouri (almost 2 hours) since July. You could DM me on twitter @treyallemang

3 months ago

One thing is puzzling me. Since they can rig elections, why didn’t they also rig 2024?


Of course, the simpler answer than the one Pastor Wilson gives is that “Stop the Steal” was all hogwash from its inception.

In other words, no, they are not capable of manufacturing millions of (by their estimates, well over 10 million) votes for 1 candidate, in a way that is somehow obvious to the supporters of the “cheated” candidate and magically invisible to everyone else (included the Vice President, as well as the courts and the legislatures in every state where results were challenged).

Justin Parris
Justin Parris
3 months ago
Reply to  Ken

“In other words, no, they are not capable of manufacturing millions of (by their estimates, well over 10 million) votes for 1 candidate, in a way that is somehow obvious to the supporters of the “cheated” candidate and magically invisible to everyone else” This would actually be fairly simple. Mail in voting was at its historical apex in 2020. You don’t “manufacture” the votes in the sense that you create a registration from nothing. You “manufacture” the votes by collecting what are legally real ballots, but not filling them out as they are legally required, by the person who’s name is on… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Justin Parris

In order to perform a signature check to validate a mail in ballot, you need a court order. The legal standard for obtaining the court order is that you must be able to prove that the ballots you’d like to check would alter the election, something you can’t prove because you haven’t yet opened the ballots to validate them. This leaves any cheating regarding mail in ballots being filled out by people other than their intended recipients completely undetectable. This is just incorrect at almost every level. First, signature matching is standard procedure in every state. Before a ballot is… Read more »

Justin Parris
Justin Parris
3 months ago
Reply to  Ken

“First, signature matching is standard procedure in every state” A process open to criticism by whom? And what are the legal standards for contesting that process? Think this through to its conclusion, you’re supporting my argument. “Before a ballot is counted, the signature on it is compared to the signature on the voter’s registration.Most states use signature matching technology in order to be able to efficiently review such large numbers of ballots. “ Why on earth do you think this contradicts anything that I said? A computer signature matching service that is uncontrovertible without a court order is indistinguishable from not… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Justin Parris

“Thirdly, even if you put everything above to the side, your claim that this kind of cheating would be completely undetectable is equally false. Most states (maybe all states?) allow candidates or their representatives to inspect ballots upon request. “This is just flatly and flagrantly false and I suggest you do your research. Go ahead and follow the ballot cases in Pennsylvania. Since you mention PA specifically, I looked up some of the statues from their Election Code. Automatic recounts are triggered when the margin of victory for a candidate is 0.5% or less. Additionally, a candidate, or any 3 eligible… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Ken

” . . . in a way that is somehow obvious to the supporters of the “cheated” candidate and magically invisible to everyone else (included the Vice President, as well as the courts and the legislatures in every state where results were challenged).” Actually, the majority of cases were not adjudicated based on the facts, but were decided or dismissed on various other points. For example: In Pennsylvania, some guys went to court because of discrepancies in the voting laws which were not followed in their county. The judge dismissed the case because they supposedly had no standing. The majority… Read more »

J.F. Martin
J.F. Martin
3 months ago
Reply to  Dave

Hi Dave…oddly, the first thing I thought was “I wonder what my county’s last 4 or 5 elections look like?” But I like trends…
One of the recent trend I heard was that Presidential nominees always choose VP candidates that won’t outshine them and aren’t smarter than them. I’m actually hopeful Trump broke that trend as well and it will become more apparent through his administration.

3 months ago
Reply to  J.F. Martin

Keep praying that God would raise leaders who follow scripture and are willing to put their career on the line for Jesus each and every day.

David Anderson
3 months ago
Reply to  Ken

And what would be the point of manufacturing *millions* of votes in landslide states when you just need to steal the key swing states anyway? The theory is incoherent at a basic level.

3 months ago

Are they “genuinely fearful for their lives” though? They set the phone at the correct angle for recording/streaming and then cry on cue.

The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
The Commenter Formerly Known As fp
3 months ago
Reply to  Kristina

They’re toddlers, and when it comes to how they should be treated, Singapore has the right idea.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kristina

After doing their hair and makeup and making sure the lighting is good. They always look perfectly put together, with the possible exception of recently streaked mascara or a fetchingly out of place lock of hair for effect.

Ken B
Ken B
3 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Not just the men either …

3 months ago

For Tyler in Waukee, good places to start looking in the DSM area would be:

3 months ago

For Kina:

I am permanently ineligible to be a foster father in my state because I have a medical exemption for the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. There may be other vaccines that you or the child may be compelled to receive to participate.

3 months ago

Re: Tyler in Iowa: You could try looking into Frontier Church in Des Moines https://www.frontierchurchdsm.com/

3 months ago

The machine that went into action to flip the vote in 2020 clearly wasn’t put into action in 2024. No midnight counting stoppages, etc. The faction with the power to pull that off apparently felt threatened by Trump in 2020 but not in 2024. Exactly what faction that is and why they preferred Trump this time is unclear to me.

3 months ago
Reply to  Barnabas

Might have had something to do with Oct 7.

3 months ago

Justin, re: “stoning of the woman caught in adultery.” Jesus’ words also tell us something of the “trap” set by those who caught her “in the act.” As Doug said, “where’s the man?” and secondly one Bible expositor says Jesus was indicating that the “one who is without (not involved in this) sin” should cast the first stone.”

Andrew Lohr
Andrew Lohr
3 months ago
Reply to  HC

Man on top in the bushes, hears ’em coming and runs, they catch her, they can see he’s not her husband but can’t ID him–that COULD explain how they had her and not him. Eh?

3 months ago
Reply to  Andrew Lohr

Possibly. But yet, all of her accusers leave. The prosecution gives up and there’s no case left against her. Stoning would require witnesses.

Andrew Lohr
Andrew Lohr
3 months ago

I just use L+: clear enough and not nasty.

3 months ago

LGBT actually stands for “let God be true”. (I didn’t think that up myself). And whatever the world says about them, God doesn’t approve of what those sort of lifestyles.

3 months ago

Tyler, I see in the comments that Frontier is recommended.

I second that recommendation.

Andy Trauger
Andy Trauger
3 months ago

Regarding the “alphabetty” soup folks, I prefer to call them all “perverts.” But occasionally, I’ll use terms like “sodomites,” “transvestites,” or “abominations.”
Keeps me from having to remember the ever-growing acronym, doesn’t cede my language to their agenda, and usually usurps control of the conversation. And, as a nice bonus, I’m speaking biblically.


J. J. Griffing
J. J. Griffing
3 months ago
Reply to  Andy Trauger

For those who are not only perverted but flaunt their perversions and demand attention to them, I use GLT. Near enough to the standard stack that it’s identifiable. Not everyone thinks en Español, though, to key on “Guano-Locos Totales,” the Totally [Guano]-Crazies.

2 months ago

Would poured out before God please post the name/title of the book he/she referenced? I am dealing with A LOT of unresolved anger toward God.
Thank you