That Was Really Something
Just Right
Right to the Point
A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
HT: Samuel Cherubin
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Virgins and Volcanoes
This book is a collection of posts from Blog & Mablog, collected, collated, arranged, and then sandpapered to make it seem more like a regular book. The central theme of the book has to do with our created identity as sexual beings, and how that relates to God’s revelation of Himself in Scripture, and in the natural world. God, sex, and nature, in other words. As we look around at the sexua…
On the Antioch Declaration, I offer Auron MacIntyre’s take —
Wow, what totally cool and normal takes this freak has. Meanwhile, cops keep killing innocent people because that’s what cops do in this country.
Yup, that’s cool!
Is that THE Andrew B? The best boot licker in town? Keeping them shiny ✨
I’ve often thought “Theology that bites back” is too close to “Theology that bites” with “bites” being understood either as “sucks” or “unnecessarily aggressive”. It occurs to me now that the “back” implies a degree of reaction that seems unjustified. You’re more proactive than that but not unnecessarily aggressive. It’s a little late to be messing with it maybe but maybe mess with it? “Hard truth”?