Rory on CrossPolitic: Oh, That Kind of Slippery Slope: Another Podcast on the Family: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Ouch: The Fickleness of Men: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Andrei Schilder Hat Trick: Me Too: Heh: Featured Product: 21 Prayers for Pastors on the Lord’s Day:Over a number of years, I have had a …
Riddle Me This
“But riddle me this. Is Deuteronomy 30:11-12 law or gospel? And when Jesus said, ‘Follow me,’ was that law or gospel? And to make the latter question harder, if not impossible, I will not tell you if the quotation comes from Luke 9:23 or Mark 10:21.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 720
The Goat Rodeo School of Law
Introduction: Your Honor, the defendant has not shown himself worthy of respect . . . I don't know the exact location of The Goat Rodeo School of Law, but I have inferred its existence from the ...
Two Approaches to Church Purity
“Pretend for a minute that the Church is a bar, and see how this works. Call it the security guard mentality and the bouncer mentality. Say we have both baptists and non-baptists who both want to run a peaceful establishment. The baptists check everyone’s ID at the door. The non-baptists kick you out if you make trouble.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 720
May Letters May Come
Letter to the Editor: Book of the Month/May 2024 I received a copy of "Knowledge of the Holy" from your father back in the 1970's. He would bring a box of them to meetings. I think ...
Despite Numerous Protests
“Over the last number of years I have made clear that the covenant of grace is not undifferentiated between the elect and the non-elect and have done so more times than Carter’s got pills. I don’t know what to do anymore, so I will just stand here forlorn, arms hanging by my sides.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 717
An Apologetic for the Whiteness of White Babies
As I see that whiteness is in the news again, or perhaps still, it seems time once again to marshal some observations that might be helpful to some of my fellow pale faces. As I have also gathered that I am from time to time read by critics who have the discerning eye of a …
Biblical Child Discipline in an Age of Therapeutic Goo #5
Discipline as Genuine Love: Sermon Video Introduction: In our message last Lord’s Day, we defined what we mean by the word discipline. Our subject this week is “discipline as genuine love,” ...
A Simple Distinction
“Is it legitimate in any way to say that non-elect members of the visible church are not part of the Church? Sure. Scripture is full of this kind of thing—a true Jew is one who is one inwardly, synagogues of Satan, you are of your father the devil, and countless more. Our whole point is that baptized covenant members are Christians, members of the Church, connected to Christ, etc. in some important sense, not that they are participants in these things in every sense. So, is there a legitimate way to say that non-elect members of the covenant are not part of the Church? Absolutely.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 714