Ground and Instrument
“Nor does God justify us because of our faith—rather He justifies us because of Christ’s obedience and work, and this is appropriated by us through faith.”
Content Cluster Muster [09-26-24]
A Call Back to the Days of Wholesome Entertainment: Just Right: More here . . . Have To Admit I Enjoyed This Exchange: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Avoiding a Government Shutdown: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Jan Min Featured Product: The Parables of Our Lord Jesus Harmonized:How are we to read and understand …
And Where Would You Advertise It?
“Modern evangelicals write books on How to be Born Again, which betrays the fact that they are not grasping the Lord’s teaching in the third chapter of John. Does anyone write books on how to be born the first time? Who would buy it?”
Prop 1: A Five Gallon Bucket of Bad Ideas
Introduction: I would like to take a moment, dear reader, to explain why ranked-choice-voting is a really bad idea. I am doing this because certain malevolent forces have managed to get the option of approving said ranked-choice voting onto the ballot this November in Idaho. I said that this was a really bad idea, but …
It Followeth No Way
“This corporate regeneration of the people of God in no way lessens the need for individuals to be born of the Spirit of God. How could a call for omelets be taken as opposition to eggs?”
Last Letters Before October Hits
Letter to the Editor: Thank you for doing the debate. It has hard to endure that much of an abolitionist of absolute certitude, but it had to be done.It seems to me his argument is ...
How Could It Mean That?
“Simply put, the objectivity of the covenant does not mean that a man does not have to be born again.”
In All His Holy Mountain
“The Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool” (Psalm 110:1). After the Lord Jesus completed his perfect work of salvation He ascended into heaven, and on clouds of glory He approached the Ancient of Days. The Lord Christ, the Great High Priest, presented His perfect …
Growth Both Changes and Doesn’t
“Hidebound tradition and spontaneous innovation do not go together, but there is another combination which does. We desire to see the Church reformed—zeal for novelty is a sinful desire. Our deep desire should be to walk in the old paths in the right way. But we also desire to see her always reforming—Jesus taught us that faithfulness is the basis for godly originality and not some spark of ‘creativity’ (Matt. 13:52). When a tree grows, it is not innovating. But it is not dead either.”