“Consequently, we do not want to be maneuvered into saying that Christians should grow big and strong, and then we will give them some food.”
A Hard Case
Haven Of Rest Clinic ®666 Appius Way,Rome, Roman Empire Dear Paul, We are writing to inform you the results of your first interview here with us at Haven Of Rest Clinic®. We do understand that you were not here with us voluntarily, but nevertheless, we believe the Proconsul Petronius made the right decision in sending …
A Wet Covenant Breaker
“In one sense, it is true that if you baptize an unrepentant pagan, you get a wet pagan. But it is the thesis of this book that far more happens than this. When you baptize an unrepentant pagan, what you actually get is a covenant-breaker. His baptism now obligates him to live a life of repentance, love and trust, which he is refusing to do.”
Letters Edited on the Road So Make Allowances
Letter to the Editor: Hello Pastor Doug!Where would you point someone (either to something written by you or a book or two you like) looking for reasons why the American War for Independence ...
Parties to the Covenant
“If the sacraments are thought of a covenant actions between persons, rather than as static, ontological realities contained within the font or resting on the Table, we do two things. We avoid the swamp-like superstitions of true sacerdotalism, as well as the arid rationalism that detaches all of our actions from what they are meant to seal for us.”
Jumping Off the Barn
“Brash and confident, the inventor stands perched on the roof of the barn. Strapped to his arms, and across his back, is a flying contraption of his own devising. It is made of wood, wire, and canvas; a modern Daedelus stands ready to take flight. He believes, and believes strongly, that he has conquered the …
Reading Both the Word and the World
Introduction: Experiencing blessings without understanding the foundation of those blessing is to dance blindfold along the edge of a precipice. As Cotton Mather once put it, faithfulness begat prosperity, ...
The Vows Bind
“Put another way, there is no such thing as a merely nominal Christian any more than we can find a man who is nominal husband. There are many faithless husbands, but if a man is a husband at all, then is as much a husband as a faithful one.”
Yes, Please
The Decree Encompasses All
“The decree is not independent of means because is it a decree concerning those means.”