Deal With It at the Next Rest Stop: Red Box Road: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Like an Ice Breaker: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Renato Muccillo Featured Product: Education (Chrestomathy):This small book is a collection of my quotations on the subject of education, taken from sources all over tarnation. The word chrestomathy refers …
No Diluting Agent
“Moderns who are stuck with the language of Westminster want to say that we actually have to understand this as a sacramental union, with the word sacramental being understood as some sort of diluting agent. But I want to say it is a sacramental union, with union meaning union.”
Love for Your People, Disordered Affections, and Failing the Stress Test
Introduction: At the end of last month, I posted a thread of eleven comments on what I was there calling Hell-no-nationalism. It stirred the pot significantly, garnering almost 300K looks, and if we ...
Central Identity
“The Reformation began with a striking emphasis on the center of the covenant, which was Christ and Him crucified . . . The Reformers said you recognize a man by looking at his face, not the ends of his shoelaces, and if you want to recognize the Church, then you must look straight at her Head, who is Christ.”
Letters That Cover the Waterfront
Letter to the Editor: In Rev. 2:26–27, Christians are said to rule nations with a rod of iron, Psalm 2-style. If preterism is true (big "if"!! haha), what kind of ruling with an iron ...
A Defining Function
“At the end of history, the eschatological Church will be comprised of all the elect and none of the reprobate. The eschatological Church serves the same defining function as the invisible Church, but with one advantage. It is necessarily the same Church that we are members of now, it is a Church grounded in historical reality, and it does not tempt us to think in terms of a Hellenistic upper story and lower story.”
TheoFoes, TheoBros, and Mother Jones in TheoThroes
Introduction: "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views." William F. Buckley ...
No Other Name
Acts of the Apostles (9): Sermon Video Introduction: The foundation of the Christian church was the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and because His execution had been perpetrated by ...
More Than Meets the Eye
“The Church of yesterday is just as invisible as the heavenly Church. We lose the communion of the saints if we depend upon what we can see.”